
Since 1998, the Casia Corporation Holland have been working on The Definitive TLA Wörterbuch to help people find their way in the ever growing intellectual chaos caused by the late-twentieth century tendency to use as many acronyms in daily communication as possible. Especially acronyms with a length of three letters have been and continue to be immensly popular, not only in Information and Communication Technology circles, but also among people in more mundane fields of labour; a tendency that has mushroomed with the advent of mobile communication and the combined growing popularity of Short Message Services.

At present, there are 7645 TLAs in the database. Of these, 4529 are distinct, out of 17576 possible (25.77%).

Please click on a bar in the diagram that is displayed below, or enter a search-string.

TLA's starting with E
320 results

EAA  Experimental Aircraft Association
EAC  Employee Assistance Company
  Evil Atheist Conspiracy™
  Exact Audio Converter
EAF  European Activation Files
EAI  Enterprise Application Integration
EAM  Emergency Action Message
  Entity Association Mapping
  Ethnikón Apeleftherotikón Métopon
EAN  Enriched Air Nitrox
  European Article Number
EAO  Enseignement Assistée par Ordinateur
EAP  Employee Assistance Program
  Employee Assistance Programme
EBA  Eisenbahn-Bundesambt
EBC  Equivalent Boron Content
  European Brewers' Convention
EBI  Erkenning Bestaande Incompetenties
  Extra Beveiligde Inrichting
  Extreem Beveiligde Inrichting
EBM  Electron Beam Melting
  Electronic Body Music
EBN  Energie Beheer Nederland
EBO  Effects Based Operations
EBQ  Economic Batch Quantity
EBS  Elk Belgisch Station
EBT  EuroBillTracker
EBU  European Broadcasting Union
EBV  electronic brakeforce distribution
  Epstein Barr Virus
ECA  Early Comparability Analysis
ECB  England and Wales Cricket Board
ECC  Elastic Compute Cloud
  Emergency Control Centre
  Error-Correcting Code
  European Cricket Council
ECM  Edition of Contemporary Music
  Exceptional Case Marking
ECN  Eastman Color Negative
  Encoding Control Notation
  Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland
  Engineering Change Notice
  Engineering Computer Network
  European Competition Network
  Explicit Congestion Notification
ECP  Empty Category Principle
  European Communication Projects
ECR  Efficient Consumer Response
  El Camino Real
  Entry and Clearance Regulation
  Equivalent Cladding Reacted
  Europees Computer Rijbewijs
ECS  Emergency Crises Staff
  Environmental Control System
ECT  Energy Charter Treaty
  Experimental Critical Theory
  Explicit Call Transfer
ECU  Electronic Control Unit
  Eternal Care Unit
  European Currency Unit
EDA  Electronics Design Automation
  Exploratory Data Analysis
EDC  Energy Delta Convention
  every-day carry
EDF  Earliest Deadline First
  Electric Ducted Fan
  Electricité de France
EDG  Emergency Diesel Generator
EDI  Electronic Data Interchange
  Expliciete Directe Instructie
EDL  Edit Decision List
  Edit Description List
  English Defence League
  European Digital Library
EDM  Early Day Motion
EDN  Ende Desespereert Nimmer
EDO  Environmental Defenders Offices
  Extended Data Out
EDP  Electron Density Profile
  Electronic Dream Plant
EDR  Early Data Release
  Emergency Disaster Recovery
  Enhanced Data Rate
EDS  Electronic Differential Slippery
  Energy Dispersive Spectrometer
EDW  Eastern Desert Ware
EEA  Enige Echte AIK
EEC  Evil Evolutionist Conspiracy
EEE  Electrical and Electronic Equipment
EEN  Eastern Educational Network
  European Emplyers Network
  Extended Enterprise Network
EER  Enhanced Entity Relationship
  Europese Economische Ruimte
EET  Estimated Elapsed Time
EEU  European Engaged University
EFA  Educatieve Faculteit Amsterdam
EFF  Electronic Frontier Foundation
  European Fusion Files
EFM  Elektronisches Fahrgeld Managementsystem
EFO  End Fossil Occupy
EFP  Explosively Formed Projectile
EFT  Electronic Finance Transfer
EGH  Extreme Graf Herrie
EGM  Extreem Geen Mail
EGP  Enorm Goed Plan
  Exterior Gataway Protocol
EGQ  Evil Genius Quarterly
EGV  Electronic Genital Verification
EGZ  Extreem Geen Zin
EHC  Educational Health and Care
EHD  Electrohydrodynamic
EHF  Ediacaran Hills Fossils
EHS  Ecologische Hoofdstructuur
  Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
EHT  Event Horizon Telescope
EIA  ELectronic Industries Alliance
EIP  Election Integrity Partnership
EIS  Environmental Impact Statement
  Epidemic Intelligence Service
EIT  Enhanced Interrogation Technique
EIU  Economist Intelligence Unit
EJB  Enterprise Java Beans
EJP  Eva Jinek Pusher
EKC  Energie Kennis Centrum
EKG  East Kent Goldings
EKH  Extreme Kanker Herrie
EKK  Extreem Kut Kabinet
EKO  Early Knock Off
  Engineering Knowledge Online
  European Karate Organisation
  Evangelisches Krankenhaus Oberhausen
EKP  Experimentele Klinische Psychologie
EKR  Echte Kut Rate
EKZ  Eerste Koffie Zetten
ELA  Endangered Language Alliance
ELD  ElectroLuminescent Displays
ELE  Emergency Location Equipment
  Everything Leaves Encrypted
  Extinction Leven Event
ELF  Earth Liberation Front
  Endangered Language Fund
ELI  Economie, Landbouw en Innovatie
ELM  Edge Localized Modes
ELN  Ejército de Liberación Nacional
ELO  Electric Light Orchestra
  Electronische Leer Omgeving
ELP  EersteLijn Psycholoog
  Emerson, Lake, and Palmer
ELT  Emergency Location Transmitter
  Event List Text
ELW  Extreem Lang Woord
EMA  European Medicines Agency
  Evil Maid Attack
EMB  Enterprise Media Beans
EMC  Erasmus Medisch Centrum
EMG  Educatieve Maatregel Gedrag
EMH  Emergency Medical Hologram
EMI  Electric and Music Industries
  Electro-Magnetic Interference
  Europees Monetair Instituut
EMM  European Mars Mission
  Extended Memory Manager
EMO  EMOtional
EMP  Educatieve Middelen Pool
  Electro-Magnetic Pulse
EMR  electromagnetic radiation
EMS  Enhanced Menu System
EMT  Echt Mijn Type
EMU  Economische Monetaire Unie
  Engineering Model Unit
  Extravehicular Mobility Unit
EMV  Europay/Mastercard/Visa
ENA  Energetic Neutral Atom
ENG  Eletronic News Gathering
ENK  Echt Niet Kut
ENM  English Numbering Machines
ENP  Ester Naomi Perquin
ENS  Een Nobel Streven
ENT  ear nose and throat
EOA  Edge Of Airfield
  Eyes On Animals
EOC  Explosieven Opruimings Commando
EOD  End Of Day
  Explosive Ordnance Disposal
EOE  Equal Opportunity Employer
EOF  End Of File
  Enterprise Object Framework
  Enterprise Objects Framework
EOL  End of Lifetime
  End Of Line
EOM  End Of Measures
  Essentis Open Messaging
EON  Enhanced Other Network
EOS  Elliptical Oblate Spheroidal
  Emulator Operating System
  End of Support
  European Office Systems
EOT  End Of Tape
  End Of Terrace
  End Of Transaction
  End Of Transmission
EOW  Echte Ouderwetse Woensdag
  End of Week
EOZ  Echt Onbelangrijke Zaken
EPA  Energie Prestatie Advies
  Environmental Pollution Agency
  Environmental Protection Agency
EPB  Eigen Paramedisch Bedrijf
EPC  Endotheel Voorlopercellen
  Endothelial Progenitor Cells
  European Patent Convention
  European Political Community
EPD  Electronic Pocket Dosimeter
  Elektronisch patiëntendossier
EPE  Extreem Proletarische Entiteit
EPG  Elektronische Programma Gids
EPH  Emails Per Hour
EPI  Essential Prime Implicant
  European Payments Initiative
EPM  Entity Programming Model
EPO  Epidemiology Program Office
  European Patent Office
EPP  Endpoint Protection Platform
  Europeans People Party
EPR  Einstein Podolsky Rosen
  Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (paradox)
  Electronic Passport Readers
EPS  Emergency Protection System
  Encapsulated PostScript
  European Physical Society
ERC  Ecosystem Restoration Communities
  Emergency Response Centre
  European Research Council
ERD  Electrodeless Ring Discharge
  Entity Relationship Diagram
ERE  Engine Rich Exhaust
ERG  European Research Group
ERL  Elavation Runway Length
  Environmental Research Letters
ERM  Enterprise Resource Management
  Entity Relationship Diagram Model
ERO  Emergency Response Organisation
ERP  Emergency Response Plans
  Enterprise Resouce Planning
  Enterprise Resource Planning
  Error Reduction Parameter
ERR  European Rail Research
ERS  External Revenue Service
ERV  Endogenous Retro Virus
ERW  Evan Rachel Wood
ESA  Entertainment Software Association
  European Space Agency
ESB  Economisch Statistische Berichten
  Empire State Building
  Enterprise Service Bus
  Extra Special Bitter
ESC  Economic Stability for Communities
  Electronic Speed Control
  European Society of Cardiology
ESD  Electro Static Discharge
  Extreem Saaie Dag
ESF  Eurovision Song Festival
ESG  Emerald, Sapphire & Gold
ESI  Ego Systems Inc.
  Ego Systems, Inc.
ESK  Europese Studenten Kampioenschappen
ESM  Electrische Spoorweg-Maatschappij
  Ernstige Spraak- en taal Moeilijkheden
  European Sports Magazines
  Europees Stabiliteitsmechanisme
ESO  Een Schitterend Ongeluk
  Electricity System Operator
  European Southern Observatory
ESP  Electric Solid Propellant
  Electronic Stabilisation Programme
  Extra Sensorial Perception
ESR  European Sociological Review
ESS  Explained Sum of Squares
EST  Eastern Standard Time
  Electro Shock Therapy
  Everything Sucks Today
ESU  Extended Security Updates
ESX  Elastic Sky X
ETA  Electronic Travel Authorisation
  Escape Time Algorithm
  Estimated Time of Arrival
  Euskadi Ta Askatasunaren
  Expected Time of Arrival
ETB  End of Transmission Block
ETD  Estimated Time of Delivery
  Expected Time of Departure
ETF  Exchange Traded Funds
ETI  Extreem Traag Internet
ETL  Extraction, Transformation and Load
ETS  Eagle Transporter System
  Emissions Trading System
ETV  Elektrische Treintjes Vereniging
  Elektro-Technische Vereniging
ETZ  Extreem Trage Zooi
EUP  European Upper Paleolithic
EUR  Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
EUV  Extreme Ultra Violet
EVA  Economic Value-Added
  Effective Virtual Address
  En Vele Anderen
  Europese Vrijhandelsassociatie
  Executie Vonnissen Afgestraften
  Extra Vehiculair Activity
EVB  Executive Vice Bisshop
EVC  Elders Verworven Competenties
  Erkenning Verworven Competenties
EVE  Extraterrestial Vegetation Evaluator
EVG  Eerste Vrije Geboortecirkel
EVR  Explained Variance Ratio
EVT  Eigen Veerdienst Terschelling
EVZ  Ecologische VerbindingsZone
EWW  Extreme Weather Warning