
Since 1998, the Casia Corporation Holland have been working on The Definitive TLA Wörterbuch to help people find their way in the ever growing intellectual chaos caused by the late-twentieth century tendency to use as many acronyms in daily communication as possible. Especially acronyms with a length of three letters have been and continue to be immensly popular, not only in Information and Communication Technology circles, but also among people in more mundane fields of labour; a tendency that has mushroomed with the advent of mobile communication and the combined growing popularity of Short Message Services.

At present, there are 7645 TLAs in the database. Of these, 4529 are distinct, out of 17576 possible (25.77%).

Please click on a bar in the diagram that is displayed below, or enter a search-string.

TLA's starting with G
244 results

GAA  Gaelic Athletic Association
  Government Accountability Act
GAC  Global Assembly Cache
GAD  General Anxiety Disorder
  General Aviation Declaration
GAE  Groningen Airport Eelde
GAG  glycosaminoglycan
GAK  Gewestelijk Arbeids Kantoor
  Gezeik Aan Kop
GAL  Generic Array Logic
  Get A Life
GAM  Gideon Algernon Mantell
  Granularity Adjustment Module
GAN  Generative Adversarial Network
  Generative Adversarial Networks
GAO  General Accounting Office
  Government Accountability Office
GAP  Google Ancient Places
GAS  Gear Acquiring Syndrome
GBA  Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie
  God Bless America
GBB  Groninger Bodem Beweging
GBE  Knight/Dame Grand Cross of the British Empire
GBF  Gripped By Fear
GBG  Good Beer Guide
GBH  Grievous Bodily Harm
GBK  Groningen Bekent Kleur
GBL  Grote Blonde Leider
GBP  Great British Pound
GBR  Giovanni Battista Riccioli
  Great Barrier Reef
  Guiness Book of Records
GBS  Gang Bang Squad
  George Baker Selection
GBT  Google Brain Team
  Green Bank Telescope
GBZ  Goed Beheerd Zorgsysteem
GCA  Giant Cell Arteritis
GCB  Knight/Dame Grand Cross of the Bath
GCC  Global Climate Change
  GNU C-Compiler
  Groninger Cricket Club
GCD  Generic CAD
  Grand Central Dispatch
GCH  GameCity Hamburg
GCI  Groningen Confucius Institute
GCR  Gas Cooled Reactor
GCS  Glasgow Coma Scale
GDA  Generic Design Assessment
  God Damn America
GDC  Game Developers Conference
  Global Disease Control
GDE  Great Dimming Event
  Guidance Data Extension
GDI  God Delusion Index
GDK  George Dull Knife
GDP  Gross Domestic Product
GDT  Guillermo del Toro
GEB  Gegevensbeschermingseffectbeoordeling
  Gemeentelijk Energiebedrijf
  Gödel Escher Bach
GED  Graphic Environment Document
GEE  Galaxy Evolution Explorer
GEF  Graphical Editing Framework
GEK  Gewoon Extreem Kut
GEM  Galanti Egidio Mondaino
  Geen Energie Meer
  Gemeentelijke Exploitatie Maatschappij
  Generic Electronic Module
  Grand Egyptian Museum
GEN  Geburt Einer Nation
GEP  Global Express Parcels
GES  Gene Elimination Squad
GET  General Excise Tax
GFA  Good Friday Agreement
GFD  God Fucking Damnit
  Guy Fawkes Day
GFN  Global Footprint Network
  Gone For Now
GFR  Gas-cooled fast reactor
  Glomerular Filtration Rate
GFT  groente fruit tuin
GFU  Go Fuck Urself
GFX  Graphics
GGD  Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst
GGG  Giant Global Graph
  Ginza Graphic Gallery
GGH  Geweldige Graf Herrie
GGP  Gateway-Gateway Protocol
  Great Gallery Panel
GGS  George Gaylord Simpson
GGZ  geestelijke gezondheidszorg
GHB  Gamma Hydroxy Butyraat
GHD  Groundhog Day
GHG  Green House Gas
GHH  Genootschap van Hackende Huisvrouwen
GHK  Graded Hammer Keyboard
GHS  Graded Hammer Standard
GHU  Get Hold Unique
GIF  Gitaar Instituut Friesland
  Graphics Interchange Format
GIL  General Information Leaflet
  Global Interpreter Lock
GIS  Geografische Informatie Systemen
  Geographic Information System
  Geographic Information Systems
  Greenland Ice Sheet
GIV  Geblondeerde Imam uit Venlo
GJB  Gertjan Bakker
GKE  Google Kubernetes Engine
GKG  Goeie Koffie Godverdomme
GLA  Gemiddelde Landelijke Adviesprijs
GLB  GL Transmission Format Binary file
GLC  Greater London Council
GLI  Gecombineerde LeefstijlInterventie
GLL  Groningen London Lijn
GLM  General Linear Model
  Global Language Monitor
  Good Looking Mum
GLN  Global Location Number
GLP  George Lawrence Price
GLS  General Logistics Systems
GLT  Generic Language Technology
GMF  Grand Master Flash
GMH  Geriatric Mobile Hazard
  Grace Murray Hopper
GMI  Google's Machine Intelligence
GMO  Grote Minerva Opruimdag
GMP  GNU Multiple Precision
GMR  Graphical monitor record
GMT  Greenwich Mean Time
GNA  Gemeenschappelijke Nautische Autoriteit
GNH  Get Next Hold
GNI  Gesher New Instructions
  Greater Nagoya Initiative
  Gross National Income
GNO  Geile Neuk Objecten
  Gepasseerde Neuk Objecten
GNP  Get Next Parent
  Gross National Product
GNU  GNU\'s Not Unix
GOC  Grafisch Opleidingscentrum
GOD  GameCube Optical Disc
GOE  Great Oxidation Event
  Great Oxygenation Event
GOH  Geheel Onthoudende Homo's
GOP  Gabinete de Organização Pedagógica
  Grand Old Party
GOS  Gemenebest van Onafhankelijke Staten
  Good Old Sparky
  Google’s Organic Search
GOT  Game Of Thrones
GPA  Green Protein Alliance
GPB  Google Protocol Buffers
GPC  General Physics Colloquium
GPF  General Protection Fault
GPL  Glider Pilot License
  GNU General Public License
GPM  Gallons Per Minute
GPO  Good for Parts Only
GPP  Geile Poezen Periode
GPS  General Problem Solver
  Global Positioning System
  Great Portland Street
GPT  Generative Pre-trained Transformer
GPU  Graphics Processing Unit
GPV  Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond
GQG  Grand Quartier Général
GQP  Grand QAnon Party
GQT  Geometry and Quantum Theory
GRB  Gamma Ray Bursters
GRC  Governance, Risk and Compliance
GRD  Good Riddance Day
GRR  Guidance Reference Release
GRT  Great Replacement Theory
GRU  Gated Recurrent Unit
  Glavnoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravleniye
GRV  Great Rift Valley
GSA  General Services Administration
  Groninger Studenten Aeroclub
GSC  Giant Scientific Conspiracy
GSE  Ground Support Equipment
GSF  Geen Slechte Film
GSL  Generalized Second Law
GSM  Ginger Seperatist Movement
  Global System for Mobiles
GSP  George Smith Patton
GSR  Galvanic Skin Response
  Gun Shot Residue
GST  Ground School Training
GSU  Gas Service Utrecht
GSV  Gereformeerde Studenten Vereniging
GSW  Gun Shot Wound
GTA  Global Temperature Anomalies
  Grand Theft Auto
GTD  Getting Things Done
  Grote Tieten Dag
GTG  Game Technology Group
  Geld Terug Garantie
GTI  Gran Turismo Injection
  Grote Technologische Instituten
GTK  GIMP Toolkit
GTL  Gemengde Theoretische Leerweg
  Grand Tourisimo Luxe
GTO  Geographic Targeting Order
  Geostationary Transfer Orbit
  Girls Together Outrageously
  GiroTel Online
  Gran Turismo Omologato
  Great Teacher Onizuka
GTP  Gaming Towards Perfection
  Get The Picture
  Gevulde Koeken Transfer Protocol
  Go Text Protocol
  Greek Travel Pages
GTR  General Theory of Relativity
GTS  Geological Time Scale
  Grand Tourisimo Sportive
GTT  Greater Technology Together
GTZ  Geweldig Trage Zooi
GUI  Graphical User Interface
GUS  Gravis UltraSound
GUT  Grand Unified Theory
GVB  Gemeentelijk Vervoersbedrijf
  Golf Vaardigheids Bewijs
GVD  GodVerDomme
  Groeten van Douwe
GVP  Great Valley Products
GVU  Gemeentelijk Vervoerbedrijf Utrecht
GWA  Global Workflow Architects
GWB  George W. Bush
  George Washington Bridge
  Gravitational Wave Background
GWP  Global Warming Potential
GWR  Guinness World Records
GZF  Graden Zweedse Flikker
GZI  Geen Zin In
GZM  Geen Zin Meer
  Geile Zuipende Meisjes
  Gesellschaft für Ganzheitliche ZahnMedizin
  Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
  Górnośląski Związek Metropolitalny
  Groen-Zwarte Maten
GZT  Gleuf Zonder Tieten