Since 1998, the Casia Corporation Holland have been working on The Definitive TLA Wörterbuch to help people find their way in the ever growing intellectual chaos caused by the late-twentieth century tendency to use as many acronyms in daily communication as possible. Especially acronyms with a length of three letters have been and continue to be immensly popular, not only in Information and Communication Technology circles, but also among people in more mundane fields of labour; a tendency that has mushroomed with the advent of mobile communication and the combined growing popularity of Short Message Services.
At present, there are 7645 TLAs in the database.
Of these, 4529 are distinct, out of 17576 possible (25.77%).
Please click on a bar in the diagram that is displayed below, or enter a search-string.
Search: |
J | ||
JAA | Japan Asia Airways | |
JAC | Jongeren Advies Centrum | |
JAD | Joint Application Development | |
JAI | Java Advanced Imaging | |
Java Advanced Imaging API | ||
JAN | Jonge Alumni Netwerk | |
JAR | Java ARchive | |
JBA | Jersey Badminton Association | |
JBC | Jelle Brandt Corstius | |
JBD | Jet Blast Deflector | |
JBF | Jan Boeren Fluitjes | |
JBI | James Boswell Instituut | |
Java Business Integration | ||
Just Before Ignition | ||
JBL | James Bullough Lansing | |
JCA | J2EE Connector Architecture | |
Java Cryptography API | ||
JCB | Joseph Cyril Bamford | |
Just Cutting Bananas | ||
JCC | Joint Channel Coding | |
JCM | James Clerk Maxwell | |
JCP | Java Community Process | |
JCR | Java Content Repositories | |
Java Content Repository | ||
Java-based content repositories | ||
JCS | Jesus Christ Superstar | |
JCU | Junior College Utrecht | |
JDF | Java Data Forms | |
JDI | Just DO It! | |
JDK | Java Development Kit | |
JDM | Japanese Domestic Market | |
JDO | Java Data Objects | |
JDS | Java Desktop System | |
JDT | Java Development Tools | |
JEA | Journal of Egyptian Archaeology | |
JEJ | James Earl Jones | |
JET | Joint European Torus | |
JEV | Japanese Encephalitis Virus | |
JFC | Java Foundation Classes | |
Jave Foundation Classes | ||
Jezus Fucking Christ | ||
JFK | John Fitzgerald Kennedy | |
JFM | Johann Friedrich Miescher | |
JHB | Jeffrey Hudson Bitter | |
JHC | John Horton Conway | |
JHE | Jimi Hendrix Experience | |
JHM | Journal de Haute Marne | |
JHN | Julius Huisartsen Netwerk | |
JHS | Jesus Hominum Salvator | |
JIT | Just In Time | |
JKF | Johann Karl Fuhlrott | |
JLD | Jaques Louis David | |
JLP | James Lawrence Powell | |
JMA | Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar | |
JMC | The Jesus and Mary Chain | |
JMD | Jumpstylers Moeten Dood | |
JME | Java Mobile Edition | |
JMJ | Jean Michel Jarre | |
JMK | John Maynard Keynes | |
JMO | Just My Opionion | |
JMP | Jakarta Multipart Parser | |
JMS | Java Message Service | |
JMX | Java Management eXtensions | |
JND | Just Noticeable Differences | |
JNF | Joods Nationaal Fonds | |
JNI | Java Native Interface | |
JOP | Jeugd Opleidings Programma | |
Jongeren Ontmoeting Plaats | ||
JOT | Just One Thought | |
JPA | Java Persistence API | |
JPB | Jan-Peter Balkenende | |
JPF | Judean People's Front | |
JPG | Joint Photographers exchange Group | |
Journal of the Philosophy of Games | ||
JPL | Jet Propulsion Lab | |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory | ||
JPM | Jokes Per Minute | |
JQM | JQueryMobile | |
JRA | Java Reflection API | |
JRE | Java Runtime Environment | |
JRF | Java Record Framework | |
JRI | Job Ready Indy | |
JRM | Jacob Rees-Mogg | |
JRP | Joint Requirement Planning | |
Joint Requirements Planning | ||
JSC | Java Servlet Container | |
JavaScriptCore | ||
JSF | Joint Strike Fighter | |
Jonathan Safran Foer | ||
JSH | John Scott Haldane | |
JSI | Jožef Stefan Institute | |
JSP | Java Server Pages | |
JSR | Java Specification Request | |
JST | Japanese Standard Time (日本標準時) | |
JVC | Japanese Victor Company | |
JVM | Java Virtual Machine | |
Java Voor Mannen | ||
JWD | John William Draper | |
JWG | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | |
JWS | Java Web Start | |
JWT | JSON Web Token |