Since 1998, the Casia Corporation Holland have been working on The Definitive TLA Wörterbuch to help people find their way in the ever growing intellectual chaos caused by the late-twentieth century tendency to use as many acronyms in daily communication as possible. Especially acronyms with a length of three letters have been and continue to be immensly popular, not only in Information and Communication Technology circles, but also among people in more mundane fields of labour; a tendency that has mushroomed with the advent of mobile communication and the combined growing popularity of Short Message Services.
At present, there are 7645 TLAs in the database.
Of these, 4529 are distinct, out of 17576 possible (25.77%).
Please click on a bar in the diagram that is displayed below, or enter a search-string.
Search: |
K | ||
KAA | Kuttig Antiek Algorithme (zoals bubblesort) | |
KAF | Kenniscentrum Aanpak Funderingsproblematiek | |
KAL | Korean Airlines | |
KAN | Knooppunt Arnhem Nijmegen | |
KAP | Kent Access Permit | |
Komitee Anti Pausbezoek | ||
KAT | Kattengedrag Advies & Therapie | |
Kwetsbaarheden Analyse Tool | ||
KAV | Kan Alles Vervoeren | |
KBA | Killed By Air | |
KBB | Koninklijke Bijenkorf Beheer | |
KBE | Knight Commander (of the Order) of the British Empire | |
KBF | Kick-Back Fee | |
KBG | Victor J. Koningsberger Building | |
KBS | Kilo Bytes per Second | |
KBV | Kampioen Bij Volharding | |
Komplett B.V. | ||
KCA | Kidney Cancer Association | |
KCB | Knight Commander of the Bath | |
KunstenaarsCentrumBergen | ||
KCC | Kas Controle Commissie | |
Klant Contact Center | ||
KCN | kaliumcyanide | |
KCO | Kenniscentrum Ondernemersschap | |
KCS | Kut Crashende Servers | |
KCT | Korps Commandotroepen | |
KDC | Key Distribution Center | |
KDD | Keuringsdienst Diervoedersector | |
Knowledgde Discovery in Databases | ||
KDE | K Desktop Environment | |
KDV | Kubistische Designer Vagina | |
KDW | Kritische Depositie Waarde | |
KEE | Knowledge-Extraction Expert | |
KEI | KNVvL Examinering Instituut | |
Kommissie Eerstejaars Introductie | ||
KET | Key-Enabling Technology | |
KFC | Kentucky Fried Chicken | |
KFS | Kentucky Fried Something | |
KFX | Kindle Format X | |
KGB | Комитет Государстве& | |
Klein Geel Boekje | ||
KHD | Klockner Humboldt Deutz | |
KHN | Koninklijke Horeca Nederland | |
KHO | Kleine Horeca Ondernemer | |
KIA | Abu Muslim al-Turkmani | |
Killed In Action | ||
KIC | Ketamine Induced Cystitis | |
KIM | Koninklijk Instituut voor de Marine | |
KIS | Keep It Simple | |
Kennisplatform Inclusief Samenleven | ||
KIT | Karlsruhe Institut für Techologie | |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | ||
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen | ||
Kwaliteit In Toetsen | ||
KKD | Kilo Kut Dingen | |
KKH | Kleine Kut Hondjes | |
KKK | Kermende Kut-Kleuters | |
Ku-Klux Klan | ||
KKR | Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co | |
KKS | Kanker Kut Shop | |
KKZ | Kanker Kut Zooi | |
KLD | Kullback-Leibler divergence | |
KLM | Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij | |
KLO | Dienst Kijk- en LuisterOnderzoek | |
Kijk- en Luisteronderzoek | ||
KMA | Koninklijke Militaire Academie | |
KMB | Kunst en Mediabeleid | |
KMD | Klanten Moeten Dood | |
KML | Keyhole Markup Language | |
KMS | Koninklijke Marechaussee Schiphol | |
KMT | Kennismakingstijd | |
Kunst Media Technologie | ||
KMZ | Koffie Moeten Zetten | |
KNO | Keel Neus en Oor | |
KNS | Kromme Nieuwe Scene | |
KNV | Klassieke Nederlandse Vakhandels | |
KOL | Key Opinion Leader | |
KOO | Korte Officiersopleiding | |
KOR | Kleine Ondernemers Regeling | |
Koffie-Omleidroute | ||
KOV | Katholieke Oratorium Vereniging | |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator | |
Key Performance Indicators | ||
KPJ | Koninklijke Plattelands Jongeren | |
KPM | King's Police Medal | |
KPN | Koninklijke PTT Nederland | |
KPO | Key Personal Objective | |
KPP | Kevin Peter Pietersen | |
KPS | Kinship Panel Study | |
KPT | Kleine Pronte Tietjes | |
KRF | Klasies River Fossils | |
KRO | Katholieke Radio Omroep | |
KRW | KaderRichtlijn Water | |
KRY | Knights Rugby Youth | |
KSA | Kenya Space Agency | |
Kritische Studienausgabe | ||
KSB | Klein Schanslin und Becker | |
KSC | John F. Kennedy Space Center | |
Kennedy Space Center | ||
KSK | Key Signing Key | |
KSM | Khalid Shaykh Muhammad | |
KSP | Kerbal Space Program | |
KSW | Keep Scientology Working | |
KTP | Kut Transfer Protocol | |
KTV | Kut TLA Verzamelaars | |
KUB | Katholieke Universiteit Brabant | |
KUN | Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen | |
KUT | Kielce University of Technology | |
Kuenburg Tamsweg | ||
Kwalitatief Uitermate Teleurstellend | ||
KVI | Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut | |
KVK | Kamer van Koophandel | |
KVM | Kernel-based Virtual Machine | |
Koffie Voor Mannen | ||
KVO | Kennisgeving Van Ontvangst | |
KVP | Katholieke Volkspartij | |
KVS | Kern- en Vaste Stof(fysica) | |
KWA | Koning Willem Alexander | |
Koning Willem-Alexander | ||
KWF | Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds | |
KWM | KWaliteitsMonitor | |
KYC | Know Your Client | |
KZA | Koffie Zet Apparaat | |
KZK | Klanten Zijn Kut |