
Since 1998, the Casia Corporation Holland have been working on The Definitive TLA Wörterbuch to help people find their way in the ever growing intellectual chaos caused by the late-twentieth century tendency to use as many acronyms in daily communication as possible. Especially acronyms with a length of three letters have been and continue to be immensly popular, not only in Information and Communication Technology circles, but also among people in more mundane fields of labour; a tendency that has mushroomed with the advent of mobile communication and the combined growing popularity of Short Message Services.

At present, there are 7645 TLAs in the database. Of these, 4529 are distinct, out of 17576 possible (25.77%).

Please click on a bar in the diagram that is displayed below, or enter a search-string.

TLA's starting with L
267 results

LAA  Lebanese American Association
LAB  Laboratory for Agnostic Biosignatures
  Low Alcohol Beverage
LAD  leuk appetijtelijk ding
LAG  Life After God
LAL  Laughing At Losers
LAM  Land Attack Missile
LAN  Local Area Network
LAT  Large Area Telescope
  Living Apart Together
LAW  Lethal Autonomous Weapons
LBA  Large Block Allocation
LBB  Leak Before Break
LBE  Luthers Bach Ensemble
LBH  Loud But Harmless
LBJ  Lyndon B. Johnson
LBL  Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
LBO  Lager BeroepsOnderwijs
LBP  Lying Bastard Preacher
LBW  Leg Before Wicket
LCA  Local Crazy Arsonist
LCC  Lectoraat Crossmedia Content
  London County Council
LCD  Liquid Crystal Display
LCF  Linker control file
LCG  Landelijk Coördinatiecentrum Geneesmiddelen
LCH  Landelijk Consortium Hulpmiddelen
LCI  Liquid Contact Indicator
LCM  Lowest Common Multiple
LCN  Logical Cluster Numbers
LCP  Link Control Protocol
  Liquid Crystal Polymer
LCR  Land Clear Rule
LCS  Laboratory for Computer Science
LCW  Landelijke Coördinatiecommissie Waterverdeling
LDA  Linear Discriminant Analysis
LDB  Lul De Behanger
LDC  Leonardo fucking Di-fucking-Caprio
LDF  Library definition file
  Low Density Fiberboard
LDL  Lamont Doherty Laboratory
LDM  Logical Data Model
LDP  Linux Documentation Project
LDR  Light Dependent Resistor
LEC  Low Enroute Chart
LED  Light Emitting Diode
LEF  Laboratorium Experimentele Fysica
LEI  Legal Entity Identifier
LEO  Live Electronic Orchestra
  Low Earth Orbit
  Lyons Electronic Office
LEP  Large Electron-Positron Collider
LES  Launch Escape System
LET   Leading Edge Technologies
   Les Enfant Terrible
   Lidocaine, Epinephrine and Tetracaine
   Light Equipment Transporter
   Logistics Escape Trunk
  Ladies European Tour
  Last Expected Time
  Launch Effects Trainer
  Leadership Education Training
  Leading Edge Tracking
  Leukocyte Esterase Test
  Level Electrical Transmitter
  Licensure Examination for Teachers
  Light Emitting Transistor
  Line Equipment Transfer
  Linear Energy Transfer
  Live Entertainment Tax
  Logical Equipment Table
  Logical Exchange Termination
  Low Energy Telescope
LEU  Low Enriched Uranium
LEV  Lunar Excursion Vehicle
LFA  Local Flying Area
LFB  London Fire Brigade
LFC  Louis Ferdinand Céline
LFE  Low Frequency Effects
LFF  Lower Field First
LFG  Let’s Fucking Go
  Letter From God
LFI  Landelijke Functie Opschaling Infectieziektebestrijding
LFR  Lead-cooled fast reactor
LFZ  Local Flying Zone
LGA  Land Grid Array
LGB  Little Green Bag
LGS  Lettuce-based Guidance Sub-system
LHB  Left Hand Bat
  Lekker Hollands Beuken
LHC  Lake Hills Church
  Large Hadron Collider
  Louis Hartlooper Complex
LHF  Laaghangend Fruit
  Low Hanging Fruit
LHK  Lijst Henk Krol
LHM  Lord Help Me
LHO  Lee Harvey Oswald
LHP  Loop Heat Pipe
LHR  Linkse Hobby Retoriek
LHS  Landbouwhogeschool
  Left Hand Side
LHU  Lord Help Us
LHV  Landelijke Huisartsen Vereniging
LHW  Lekker Hollands Weer
LID  Landelijke Inspectiedienst Dierenbescherming
LIM  Leg Index Measurement
LIP  Logistiek Informatie Platform
LIR  Local Internet Registry
LIS  LinkedIn Sletje
LIV  Landelijk Instituut Vertrouwenspersonen
LKA  Lane Keeping Assistance
  Last Known Address
LKI  Luchtkwaliteitsindex
LKO  Landelijke Klachtencommissie Onderwijs
  Lower Kerbal Orbit
LKP  Less Known Protocol
LLC  Limited Liability Company
LLE  Laboratory for Laser Energetics
LLF  Least Laxity First
LLL  La Leche League
  Leiden London Lijn
  Life Long Learning
LLM  Large Language Model
  Lunar Lander Module
LLS  Low Level Scheduler
LLT  Lazy Loading Technique
LLV  Leaving Las Vegas
LLW  Low Level Waste
LMA  London Metropolitan Archives
LMC  Large Margin Classification
  Logic Memory Centre
  Lord-Münsterland Caravan
LMH  Light Mentally Handicapped
LMP  Lunar Module Pilot
LMS  Learning Management System
LMT  Large Millimeter Telescope
LMV  Landelijke Makelaars Vereniging
LMX  Link MatriX
LMY  Lekkere Meiden Yoga
LNG  Liquified Natural Gas
LNP  Lijst Nieuwe Politiek
LNV  Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij
  Leuke Neukbare Vrouwen?
LOA  Letter Of Agreement
LOC  Landelijke Ontwikkeling Commewijne
  Lines Of Code
LOE  Level of Effort
LOF  Loss Of Frame
LOG  Lamb Of God
  Laplacian of a Gaussian (filter)
  Large Orbit Gyrotron
  Legacy Of Goku
  Legal Organizations Group
LOI  Leids Onderwijs Instituut
  Limited Overs International
  Lunar Orbit Injection
  Lunar Orbit Insertion
LOK  Landelijk Overleg Kunstlectoren
LOL  Laughing On Line
  Laughing Out Loud
  Little Old Ladies
  Lucifer Our Lord
LON  Lokale Omroep Nuenen
LOP  Language Oriented Programming
LOR  League Of Reason
LOS  Lack Of Service
  Loss Of Signal
LOT  Leergang Onafhankelijk Toetsen
LOW  Landelijk Overleg Wetenschapswinkels
LOX  Liquid OXygen
LPC  Leather Personnel Carrier
  Local Procedure Calls
LPD  Line Printer Daemon
LPF  Lekkere PornoFilms
  Lijst Pim Fortuyn
  Low Pass Filter
LPG  Liquified Petrol Gas
LPI  Liquid Photoimageable Ink
LPP  Landelijk Postdoc Platform
  Lawrenceville Plasma Physics
LPR  Landesanstall für Privaten Rundfunk
  Laryngopharyngeal reflux
  Line Printer
LPV  Landelijk Platform Vuurwapens
LPZ  Low Population Zone
LQG  Loop Quantum Gravity
LRA  Lord's Resistance Army
LRC  Langley Research Center
  Leidsche Rijn Centrum
  Leidsche Rijn College
  Little Red Corvette
LRF  Linker response file
LRH  L Ron Hubbard
  London Ritz Hotel
LRL  Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
LRO  Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
LRS  Life Really Sucks
LRT  Liebenberg Round Table,
LRU  Least Recently Used
LSA  Late Stone Age
  Latent Semantic Analysis
  Local Security Authority
LSB  Least Significant Bit
  Linux Standard Base
LSD  Least Significant Digit
  Limited Slip Differential
  Love's Secret Domain
  Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
LSE  Local State Editor
  London School of Economics
LSF  Logos library system file
LSH  Life Sciences & Health
LSI  Love, Sex, Intelligence
LSL  Logical Shift Left
LSM  Level Set Method
LSO  Leipe Ship Ouwe
LSP  Last Shadow Puppets
  Lex Silencio Positivo
  Link State Protocol
  Long Secondary Period
  Lubricant Sublayer Photo-curing
LSR  Leidse Studenten Raad
  Logical Shift Right
LSV  Leidse Studenten Vereniging
LSW  Landelijk Secretariaat Wetenschapswinkels
LTB  Logisch Toegangsbeveiligingsbeleid
LTC  Lawn Tennis Club
LTD  Leergang Topmanagement Defensie
LTE  Long Term Evolution
LTI  Language Technologies Institute
  Learning Tool Interoperability
LTO  Land- en Tuinbouw Organisatie
  Linear Tape-Open
LTR  Loop Transfer Recovery
LTS  Long Term Support
  Long-Term Support
LUH  Lekkers Uit Hongarije
LUL   London Underground Limited
  Left Upper Lobe
  Limited Usage License
  Local Unicast Label
  Local Unicast Label
  Lui Uit Leeuwarden
LUT   Launch Umbilical Tower
LVG  Licht Verstandelijk Gehandicapte
LVM  Logical Volume Manager
LVO  Large Vessel Occlusion
  Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order
LVT  Leuk Voor Thuis
LVV  Landelijke Vereniging van Vertrouwenspersonen
  Leden Van Verdienste
LWB  Leider WerkplekBeveiliging
LWI  Lucy Worsley Investigates
LWP  Landelijk Wandel Programma
  Leidse Wijsgerige Publicaties
  Long Wave Passband
LWR  Light Water Reactor
LZH  Lempel-Ziv, Huffman
LZV  Lange Zware Vrachtwagen
LZW  Lempel Ziv Welch