
Since 1998, the Casia Corporation Holland have been working on The Definitive TLA Wörterbuch to help people find their way in the ever growing intellectual chaos caused by the late-twentieth century tendency to use as many acronyms in daily communication as possible. Especially acronyms with a length of three letters have been and continue to be immensly popular, not only in Information and Communication Technology circles, but also among people in more mundane fields of labour; a tendency that has mushroomed with the advent of mobile communication and the combined growing popularity of Short Message Services.

At present, there are 7646 TLAs in the database. Of these, 4529 are distinct, out of 17576 possible (25.77%).

Please click on a bar in the diagram that is displayed below, or enter a search-string.

TLA's starting with P
524 results

PAA  Pan American Airlines
  Paranoid Abusive Authority (American)
PAB  Personal Address Book
PAC  Pan African Congress
  political action committee
  Probably Approximately Correct
  Production Activity Control
PAD  Photo A Day
  Post Album Depression
  Propaganda and Agitation Department
  Psychologische Adviesdienst
PAE  Physical Adress Extension
PAG  Présence et Action des Gaullisme
PAH  Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
PAI  Pathogenic Avian Influenza
PAK  Panzer Abwehr Kanone
  Progressief Akkoord
  Provinciale Advies Kommissie
PAL  Permissive Action Link
  persoonlijk assistent voor leraren
  Pettswoodians Against Litter
  Phase Alteration Line
  Phillipine Airlines
  Programmable Array Logic
PAM  Parking Aid Module
  Particle Accelerator Mishap
  Payload Assisted Module
  Pluggable Authentication Module
  Politieke Aandelen Markt
PAN  Partido de Acción Nacional (Mexico)
  Personal Area Network
PAO  Postacademisch Onderwijs
  Public Affairs Officer
PAP  Papanicolaou
  Particulier à Particulier
  People’s Action Party
PAR  Perimeter Acquisition Radar
  Positive Acknowledgment with Re-transmission
PAS  Para-aminosalicylzuur
  Plaatselijk Arbeids Secretariaat
  Portable Antiquities Scheme
  Programma Aanpak Stikstof
PAU  Pan American Union
PAV  Perifeer Arteriële Vaatziekte
PAW  Pompous Ass Words
  Preventief Afgeschoten Worden
PAX  Private Automatic Exchange
PBA  Perfect Binary Array
PBB  Polybroombifenylen
PBC  Pieter Baan Centrum
  Proof By Contradiction
  Provinciale Bibliotheek Centrale
PBF  Power Burst Facility
  Prins Bernhard Fonds
PBH  Primordial Black Hole
PBI  Pigeon Based Internet
  Project Beleidsontwikkeling Internaatsvormingswerk
PBL  Problem-Based Learning
PBM  Portable Bitmap
PBN  Performance Based Navigation
PBO  Permanent Beat Officer
  Publiekrechtelijke Bedrijfsorganisatie
PBR  President’s Budget Reques
PBT  Platform Béta Techniek
PBX  Private Branch Exchange
PCA  Permanent Court of Arbitration
  Polycyclische aromaat
  Power Calibration Area
  Principle Component Analysis
PCB  Parti Communiste Belge
  polychlorinated biphenyls
  Printed Circuit Board
  Program Control Block
  Protestants Christelijke Bond
  Protestantse Coöperatieve Begrafenisonderneming
PCC  Parti Communista de Cuba
  PC Consument
  Prins Claus Conservatorium
  Private Cloud Compute
  Protestants Christelijk Centrum
PCE  Partido Comunista Español
PCF  Parti Communiste Français
PCG  Pentecostal Church of God
  Pentium Compiler Group
  Performance Communications Group
  Performance Contracting Group
  Philippine Coast Guard
  Policy Coordination Group
  Polo en zwemClub Gorinchem
  Professional Contractors Group
  Protein Crystal Growth
  Provinciale Chronisch zieken en Gehandicaptenraad Groningen
  Public Consulting Group
  Publishers Communication Group
  Pull-Cord Generator
PCI  Partito Comunista Italiano
  Peripheral Component Interconnect
  Pulsed Current Injection
PCL  Portable Class Library
  Power Corruption and Lies
  Printer Control Language
PCM  Perscombinatie Meulenhoff & Co
  Personal Computer Magazine
  Powertrain Control Module
  Pulse-Code Modulatie
PCN  Penalty Charge Notice
  Post Christi Natum
PCO  Protestants Christelijke Onderwijsvakorganisatie
  Public Carriage Officer
PCP  Parental Control Profile
  Partial Chemosynthetic Production
  Partido Communista Português
  Pig Coloured People
  Prim Cache Population
PCR  Polymerase Chain Reaction
PCS  Palliatieve Coping Strategie
  Personal Communication Services
  Posterboy Creationist Stupidity
  Posterboy for Creationist Stupidity
PCT  Peak Cladding Temperature
PCX  PiCture eXchange
PCZ  Protestants Christelijke [vereniging tot bevordering van sociale en pedagogische] Zorg
PDA  Pathological Demand Avoidance
  Personal Digital Assistent
PDB  Pedagogisch Didactisch Bekwaamheid
PDC  Personal Digital Communications
  Planetary Defence Council
  Prada Death Camp
  Processor Dependend Code
PDD  Pre-Dinner Dip
  Presidential Decision Directive
PDE  Plug-in Development Environment
  Processing Development Environment
PDF  Portable Document Format
  Postscript Description Format
PDI  Powered Descent Initiation
PDL  Project description language
PDM  Passenger Door Module
  Persistent Domain Model
  Philips Dupont Magnetics
  Product Data Management
  Program Decision Memoranda
PDO  PHP Data Objects
PDP  Programmed Data Processor
PDQ  Pretty Damn Quick
PDS  Persistent Data Storage
  Please Don't Shoot
  Prikkelbare Darm Syndroom
PDT  Pacific Daylight Time
PDU  Packet Data Unit
PDV  Productschap Diervoeder
PEC  Parlementaire Enquete Comissie
  PH EDN Combinatie
PEG  Parsing Expression Grammar
PEK  Poly-Evolver Keys
PEM  Programming Environment Meeting
PEO  Profieleigenarenoverleg
PEP  Politically Exposed Person
  Post Exposure Profylaxe
  Propellant Evaluation Program
  Python Enhancement Proposal
PES  Package Evolution Service
  Paul's Extreme Stretch
  Penis Enlargement Surgery
PET  Personal Electronic Transactor
  Poly Ethylene Terephthalate
  Positron Emission Tomography
PFA  Pretty Fucking Amazing
PFC  Personal filing cabinet
PFD  Personal Floatation Device
PFE  Premises, Facilities and Equipment
PFJ  People's Front of Judea
PFK  Programmable function keys
PFL  Positive Feedback Loop
PFM  Printer Font Metrics
PFO  Patient Falling Over
  Pissed and Fell Over
PFS  Pretty Freaking Stupid
  Process Flow Scheduling
  Progression Free Survival
PFT  Prime Focus Technologies
PGA  Pin Grid Array
  Professional Golfers' Association
PGD  Productschap Gedistilleerde Dranken
PGE  Philip Glass Ensemble
  Pizza Graph Effect
PGI  Piek Gas Installatie
PGM  Pigeon Guided Missiles
  Portable Graymap
PGN  Portable game notation
PGP  Pretty Good Privacy
PGT  Patient Got Thumped
PHD  Philosophiae Doctor
PHE  Public Health England
PHI  Processor to HP-IB Interface
  Protected Health Information
PHK  Prins Hendrik Kade
PHM  Pretty Hate Machine
PHO  Potentially Hazardous Object
PHP  Parents Helping Parents
  Personal Home Page
  PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
PIA  Pakistan International Airlines
  Privacy Impact Analyse
PIB  Pre-flight Information Bulletin
PIC  Particle-In-Cell
  Partner In Crime
  Pilot In Command
  Programmable Intelligent Computer
  Prostitutie Informatie Centrum
PID  Pelvic inflammatory disease
  Process IDentification
  Project initiation document
PIE  Partners In Education
  Proto Indo-European
PIF  Program Information File
  Public Investment Fund
PII  Personal Identifiable Information
PIK  Paid In Kind
  Payment In Kind
  Platform Integration Kit
PIN  Personal Identification Number
  Persoonlijk Identificatie Nummer
  Postal Index Number
  progressive inflammatory neuropathy
  prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
PIO  Pilot Induced Oscillations
  Programmed I/O
PIP  Picture In Picture
  Poly Implant Prothese
PIR  Public Interest Registry
PIS  Porno In SVN
PIV  Particle Image Velocimetry
  Peak Inverse Voltage
  Personal Identity Verification
  Physical Inventory Verification
  Pig Immunodeficiency Virus
  Pinnacle Internet Viewer
  Plena Ilustrita Vortaro
  Post Implementation Verification
  Post Indicator Valve
  Powered Industrial Vehicle
PIW  Person In Water
PKB  Pronte Kleine Borstjes
PKI  Partai Komunis Indonesia
  Programmadirectie Kennis en Innovatie
  Public Key Infrastructure
PKK  Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan
PKT  Pronte Kleine Tietjes
PKV  Pluimvee en Konijnfokvereniging
  Prijs Karel Verleye
  Private Krankenversicherung
  Project KustVakken
PKZ  Prehistorische Kanker Zooi
PLA  PolyLactic Acid
  Port of London Authority
  Programmable Logic Array
PLB  Personal Locator Beacon
PLC  Programmable Logic Controller
  Programmable Logic Controller
PLD  Pre Lunch Dip
  Programmable Logic Device
PLG  Predestined Landing Ground
PLL  Phase Locked Loop
PLM  Paradise Locker Meats
  Plant Lifecycle Management
  Product Lifecycle Management
PLO  Palestine Liberation Organisation
PLP  Parliamentary Labour Party
PLS  Property Ladder Syndrome
PLT  Parkstad Limburg Theaters
PLU  Price Look-Up
  Primary Logic Unit
PMA  Physical Memory Address
PMC  Perfecte Mensen Club
PMD  Polen Moeten Dood
PME  Photorealistic Material Editing
PMF  Print Mail Factory
  Probability mass function
  Project Management Foundation
PMG  Parliamentary Monitoring Group
  Pat Metheny Group
  Private Media Group
PMN  Pruts MoederNeuker
PMO  Parkeermeteroorlog
PMP  Parallel Marker Pass
  Parsed Marker Particles
  Peed My Pants
PMQ  Prime Minister's Questions
  Private Maried Quarters
PMS  Pantone Matching System
  Parked Motorcycle Syndrome
PMV  Persoonlijke en Maatschappelijke Vorming
PNC  Police National Computer
PNE  Peaceful Nuclear Explosions
PNG  Portable Network Graphic
  Promoteam Natuurkundig Gezelschap
PNI  Perpetual Nuclear Inferno
  Presidential Nuclear Initiative
PNM  Portable aNyMap
PNN  Promovendi Netwerk Nederland
PNO  Potentiële Neuk Objecten
  Prima Neuk Objecten
PNP  Plug aNd Play
PNT  Position Navigation and Timing
PNV  Project Nederland Veganland
PNW  Pacific North West
POA  Port of Amsterdam
POB  Per Ontvangen Bericht
  Persons On Board
  Praktijk Opleidings Boek
POC  People Of Color
  Predator Operation Cell
  Proof of Concept
POD  Plain Old Documentation
POE  Power Over Ethernet
POG  Project Officers Group
POH  Pilot's Operating Handbook
POI  Point Of Interaction
  Point Of Interest
POM  Program Objective Memorandum
  Project Object Model
PON  Passive Optical Network
  Populistische Omroep Nederland
POP  Persistent Organic Pollutants
  Point Of Presence
  Post Office Protocol
POQ  Periodic Order Quantity
POS  Partition Of Sums
  Piece Of Shit
  Point Of Sale
POT  Post Ordination Training
POV  Persistence Of Vision
  Point Of View
  Polarized Optical Vortex
POW  Prisoner Of War
POX  Plain Old XML over HTTP
PPA  Past Participle Adjective
  Per Particle Attributes
  Persoonlijke Profiel Analyse
  Planning, Preparation And Assessment
PPB  Part Period Balancing
PPC  Pair Programming Chair
  Pelgrim's Pride Company
  Plastic Pollution Coalition
  Plinten- & PlankenCentrale
  Plutonium Production Process
  Prospective Parliamentary Candidate
  Protected Phenomenon Chip
PPD  para-phenylenediamine
  Post Parting Depression
  Postscript Printer Description
  Publiek Private Discussie:
PPE  Permanent Penile Enlargement
  Personal Protective Equipment
PPG  Pacific Proving Ground
  Palm Productions GmbH
  Points Per Gallon
PPI  Pixels Per Inch
PPK  Personal Preference Kit
PPL  Physically Plausible Lighting
  Plasma Physics Laboratory
  Private Pilot Licence
PPM  Parts Per Million
  Portable PixMap
  Pre Production Meeting
PPN  Pre-assigned Port Numbers
PPP  Pakistan Peoples Party
  Patricia 'Pubergrrl' Paay
  Peace, Pasta and Pirates
  Per Pay Period
  Personal Pension Plan
  Piss Poor Planning
  Plan Puebla Panamá
  Plutonium Production Process
  Point-to-Point Protocol
  Profit, People, Planet
  Public Private Partnership
  Purchasing Power Parity
PPQ  Pulses Per Quarter
PPR  Politieke Partij Radicalen
  Pulsed Plasma Rocket
PPS  Parliamentary Private Secretary
  Particles Per Second
  Physically Plausible Shaders
  Publieke en Private Samenwerking
PPT  PowerPoinT
  Pulsed Plasma Thruster
PPU  Parallel Processing Unit
  Physics Processing Unit
PPV  Peter-Paul Verbeek
PQT  Pizza Quantum Telepathy
PRA  Pine Ridge Agency
  Presidential Records Act
  Probabilistic Risk Assessment
PRB  Persoonsgebonden ReïntegratieBudget
PRC  Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium
  People's Republic of China
  Pleitgenootschap Rota Carolina
PRF  Pixel Run Format
  Polícia Rodoviária Federal
  Primary Risk Factor
PRI  Primary Rate Interface
PRJ  Pacific Rim Job
PRL  Physical Review Letters
PRM  Partner Relationship Management
PRO  Persistente Reclame-Onderdelen
  Public Record Office
PRP  Personnel Reliability Program
  Post Rapture Party
PRS  Payload Retention System
  Personal Radio Service
  Personal Reader System
  Plasma Radiation Source
  Poverty Reduction System
  Precision Ranging System
  Primary Reference Source
PRU  Princess Royal University
PRV  Peter R. de Vries
PSA  Probabilistic Safety Assessment
  Professional Services Automation
  PsychoSociale Arbeidsbelasting
PSB  Pet Shop Boys
  Program Specification Block
  Pseudo Scientific Bullshit
PSC  Pseudo Scientific Crap
PSD  Partidul Social Democrat
  Payment Services Directive
  Pennsylvania School for the Deaf
  Pesticides Safety Directorate
  PhotoShop Design
  Protein Sequence Database
PSE  Pale Soft Exudative
PSF  Python Software Foundation
PSI  Partito Socialista Italiano
  Paul Scherrer Institute
  Per Square Inch
  Popular Culture, Sustainability and Innovation
  pounds per square inch
PSN  PlayStation Network
PSO  Progressief StudentenOverleg
PSP  Pacifistisch Socialistische Partij
  PaintShop Pro
  Parker Solar Probe
  Personnel Security Program
  Playstation Portable
  primary spontaneous pneumothorax
PSS  Packet Switched Service
  Princeton Satellite Systems
PST  Pacific Standard Time
  Pocket Survival Tool
PSU  Police Support Unit
  Power Supply Unit
PSV  Philips Sportvereniging
PTB  Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
PTC  Parents Television Council
  Passive Thermal Control
  Positive Temperature Coefficient
  Proper Tail Calls
PTE  Price To Earnings
PTI  Physical Training Instructor
PTO  Patent and Trademark Office
  please turn over
  Primaire Tumor Onbekend
PTP  Picture Transfer Protocol
  Precision Time Protocol
  Probability To Penetrate
  Profitable To Promise
PTS  Propellant Transfer System
PTT  Post Telefoon Telegraaf
  Posta ve Telgraf Teşkilatı
  Push The Tempo
PUC  Publicatieplatform UitvoeringsContent
PUE  Power usage effectiveness
PUF  Presses Universitaires de France
PUI  Perceptual User Interface
PUK  Personal Unlocking Key
PUP  PARC Universal Packet protocol
  Princeton University Press
  Progressive Unionist Party
PVA  Plan Van Aanpak
PVC  Polyvinylchloride
  Positive Void Coefficient
PVD  Physical Vapour Desposition
PVE  Price Versus Earnings
  Proxmox Virtual Environment
PVL  Planbureau Voor de Leefomgeving
PVM  Priemgetal Voor Mannen
PVP  Path Vector Protocol
PVR  Personal Video Recorder
PVS  Persistent Vegetative State
  Persoonlijk VerantwoordelijkheidsSchema
  Peter Van Soest
  Peter Van Stijn
  Post Viraal Syndroom
  Post-Vaccinaal Syndroom
  Specification and Verification System
PVV  Partij Voor de Verdraaiing
  Partij Voor de Volksverlakkerij
  Partij voor de Vrijheid
  Partij Vreemde Vogels
PWA  Prins Willem Alexander
PWC  PriceWaterhouseCoopers
PWD  Programmed Warhead Detonation
PWF  Plastic Window Federation
PWL  Preemptive Wear Leveling
PWM  Pulse-Width Modulation
PWN  Provinciaal Waterleidingbedrijf van Noord-Holland
  Puur Water en Natuur
PWR  Pressurised Water Reactor
  Pressurized Water Reactors
PWS  Prince William Sound
PWT  Pacific War Time
PXE  Pre-boot eXecution Environment
PXR  Pixar
PYT  Pretty Young Thing