
Since 1998, the Casia Corporation Holland have been working on The Definitive TLA Wörterbuch to help people find their way in the ever growing intellectual chaos caused by the late-twentieth century tendency to use as many acronyms in daily communication as possible. Especially acronyms with a length of three letters have been and continue to be immensly popular, not only in Information and Communication Technology circles, but also among people in more mundane fields of labour; a tendency that has mushroomed with the advent of mobile communication and the combined growing popularity of Short Message Services.

At present, there are 7645 TLAs in the database. Of these, 4529 are distinct, out of 17576 possible (25.77%).

Please click on a bar in the diagram that is displayed below, or enter a search-string.

TLA's starting with S
573 results

SAA  Stichting Afzetbevordering Asperge
  Systems Application Architecture
SAC  Sectorale Adviescolleges
  Strategic Air Command
  Supreme Allied Commander
SAD  Social Anxiety Disorder
  Standard American Diet
  System Architecture Definition
SAE  School of Audio Engineering
  Self-Adressed Enveloppe
  Society of Automotive Engineers
SAF  San Adreas Fault
  Self Appraisal Fatigue
  Sustainable Aviation Fuel
SAG  Sammie America's Gasphetti
  Screen Actors Guild
SAK  Secure Attention Key
  Studien zur Altagyptischen Kultur
SAM  Segment Anything Model
  Severe Accident Management
  Single Abstract Method
  Single App Mode
  Surfcace to Air Missile
SAN  Storage Area Network
SAO  Session At Once
SAP  Safety Assessment Principles
  Silverlight Application Package
  Sintered Aluminium Powder
  Social Action Party
  Socialistiese Arbeiders Partij
  Special Access Programmes
  Stereo Audio Processing
  Sub Atomic Physics
  Systeme, Anwendungen & Produkte i/d datenverarbeitung
SAR  Safety assessment report or safety analysis report
  Search And Rescue
  Son Altesse Royale
  Specific Absorption Rates
  Stichting Achmea Rechtsbijstand
  Su Alteza Real
  Suspicious Activity Report
  Synthetic Aperture Radar
SAS  Scandinavian Airlines System
  Serial Attached SCSI
  Situational Awareness System
  Special Air Service
  Statistical Analysis Software
  Surfers Against Sewage
SAT  Scholastic Aptitude Test
  Service Action Team
  Standard Assessment Task
  System Analysis Toolkit
  Systematic approach to training
SAV  Single Assignment Variable
SAX  Simple API for XML
  Space Architect Exercise
SBA  Simulation Based Aquisition
  Swiss Bank Approach
SBB  Schweizerische Bundesbahn
  Sleutels, Barnard en Van der Beek
SBC  Server Based Computing
  Single Board Computer
SBD  Silent But Deadly
SBF  Sam Bankman-Fried
SBI  Surrounded By Incompetence
SBM  Senior Bier Manager
  Sharon Bertsch McGrayne
SBO  Samenwerkende Borstvoeding Organisaties
SBQ  Standard Batch Quantity
SBR  Slap Bureau Ruggetje
SBS  Scandinavian Broadcasting System
  Site by Site
  Small Business Server
  Sodding Big Spaceship
  Special Boat Service
  Surrounded by Stupidity
SBU  Sluzhba Bezpeky Ukrainy
  Strategic Business Unit
SBV  Sectorale Berichten Voorziening
SCA  Secular Coalition for America
  Single-Connector Attachment (SCSI)
  Static Code Analysia
  Supreme Council of Antiquities
SCC  Sarah Connor Chronicles
  Ship's Control Centre
  Source Code Control
SCD  Strictly Come Dancing
SCE  Signal Conditioning Electronics
  Spatial Coding Emulation
SCF  Security Control Framework
  Sport Club Feyenoord
  Sunk Cost Fallacy
SCG  Sydney Cricket Ground
SCI  Sensitive Compartmentalized Information
  Sensitive Compartmented Information
  System configuration information
SCM  Simon Conway Morris
  Software Configuration Management
  Supply Chain Management
SCN  shipbuilding and conversion, Navy
  Stay Connected Neger
  Suprachiamatic nucleus
SCO  Santa Cruz Operation
  Sturing van het Creatief Ontwerp
SCP  Sanctioned Competition Program
  Secure Copy
  Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau
SCR  Selective Catalytic Reduction
  Silicon Controlled Rectifier
  Stotter Centrum Rijnland
  Sveriges Campingvärdars Riksförbund
SCS  School of Computer Science
  Secret Cloggie Society
SCT  Stockpile Confidence Test
SDB  Stichting Disposables Benelux
SDC  Student Dust Counter
SDE  Screen Door Effect
SDF  Signed Distance Field
  Six Degrees of Freedom
SDG  Spencer Davis Group
  Stichting Draadloos Groningen
  Sustainable Development Goals
SDH  Subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of hearing
SDI  Software distribution network information
  Strategic Defence Initiative
SDJ  Stinky Dinosaur Juice
SDK  Software Development Kit
SDL  Scene Description Language
  Schema Definition Language
  Simple Directmedia Layer
SDM  Self Destruct Mode
  Software Development Magazine
  Stichting Democratie en Media
  Sun Download Manager
SDN  Software Defined Network
  Software distribution network
  Stichting Dranken Nederland
SDO  Solar Dynamics Observatory
SDP  Session Description Protocol
  Standard Dating Protocol
SDR  Software Defined Radio
  Special Drawing Right
  Special Drawing Rights
SDU  Staatsdrukkerij en -uitgeverij
SDV  Semicolon Divided Values
SEA  Syrian Electronic Army
SEC  Securities and Exchange Commission
  Start Evaluatie Curriculum
SED  Stichting Expertisecentrum Discriminatie
  Stream EDitor
SEH  Spoedeisende Eerste Hulp
SEI  Script Encoding Initiative
SEK  Sigaardoos Electro Kalimba
SEM  Scanning Electron Microscope
  Scientifically Engineered Maintenance
  Smart Evert Manager
  Society for Ethnomusicology
  Society for Experimental Mechanics
  Space Experimental Module
  Structural Equation Modeling
SEN  Special Educational Needs
SEO  Search Engine Optimalization
  Search Engine Optimizer
SEP  Samenwerkende Elektriciteitsproducenten
  Single-Engine Piston
  Solar Electric Propulsion
  Someone Else's Problem
  Standard Evaluation Protocol
  Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  Stockpile Evaluation Plan
  Systems Enhancement Package
SER  Safety Evaluation Report
  Sociaal Economische Raad
SES  Simple Email Service
  Sociaal Economische Status
  Special Enforcement Squad
  Swift Exit Seat
  Systeem voor elektronische sollicitatie
SET  Secure Electronic Transaction
  Secure Electronic Transactions
  Stone's Embedding Theorem
SEU  Single Event Upsets
SFA  Scotish Football Association
SFB  Sunken Feature Building
SFC  Shop Floor Control
  Sporthuis Fucking Centrum
SFD  Sound File Data
SFE  San Francisco Earthquake
SFF  Science Fiction and Fantasy
SFH  Stichting Fraudebestrijding Hypotheken
SFI  Severely Fuckable Individual
  Significant Finding Investigation
SFL  Sorry For Laughing
SFO  Serious Fraud Office
SFP  Small Form-factor Pluggable
SFS  Super Fun Saturday
SFT  So Fucking Tired
SFW  Safe For Work
SFX  Special Effects
SGC  Sport Gezondheids Centrum
SGE  Search Generative Experienc
SGG  Seksueel Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag
SGH  Stichting Gelijkwaardig Herstel
SGI  Silicon Graphics, Inc.
  Spark Gap Initiator
SGL  Sydney Gamers League
SGM  StadsGewestelijk Materieel
SGP  Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij
SGR  Some Great Reward
  Sortie Generation Rate
  Stichting Garantiefonds Reisgelden
SGS  Still Going Strong
SHA  Secure Hash Algorithm
SHD  Snoei Harde Disco
SHG  Sugar Hill Gang
SHM  Structural Health Monitoring
  Swedish House Mafia
SHO  Samenwerkende Hulporganisaties
SHR  Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat
  Staff Human Resources
  State Highway Route
  Steroid Hormone Receptor
  Synology Hybrid RAID
SHS  Stichting Help Syrië
SIB  Safety Information Bulletin
  Swelling Itching Brain
SIC  Standard Industrial Code
SID  Sound Interface Device
  Standard Instrument Departure
SIE  Software Innovatie Event
SIF  Safe Internet Foundation
  Setup installation files
SIG  Software Improvement Group
  Special Interest Group
  Sphere Interest Group
  Stroppy, Ignorant Git
  Susquehanna International Group
SIM  Sportinformatiemarkt
  Subscriber Identity Module
SIO  Stanford Internet Obsevatory
SIP  Session Initiation Protocol
  Software for Intellectual Property
  System Integrity Protection
SIR  Semantic Information Retrieval
SIS  Schengen Informatie Systeem
  Science In Society
  Secret Intelligence Service
  Student Informatie Systeem
SIT  Simple Internet Transition
SIU  Sterrenkundig Instituut Utrecht
  Subconscious Intuitive Understanding
SIV  Simmian Immunodeficiency Virus
  Structured Investment Vehicle
SJG  Stephen Jay Gould
SJW  Social Justice Warriors
SKA  Square Kilometer Array
  Square Kilometre Array
SKB  Svensk Kämbränslehantering AB
SKD  SonnenKrieg Division
SKF  Schermkring Friesland
SKI  Stiftung füKunstigen Intelligenz
SKT  Sociaal Kunstzinnige Therapie
SKU  Stichting Katholieke Universiteit
  Stock Keeping Unit
SLA  Service Level Agreement
  Single Letter Acronym
  Stereo Lithograph Apparatus
  Swim Lane Approach
SLB  Sad little bunch
  Spoilt Little Bitch
  Studie Loopbaan Begeleiding
SLC  Stereo Lithography Contour
SLF  Simple Logging Facade
SLJ  Samuel Leroy Jackson
SLM  Strategisch Leveranciersmanagement Microsoft
  Surinaamse LuchtvaartMaatschappij
SLO  Standard Lakota Orthography
  Stichting Landelijk Onderwijs
SLR  Shift Logical Right
  Single Lense Reflexcamera
SLS  Selective Laser Sintering
  Shit Life Syndrome
SLT  Second Law of Thermodynamics
SMA  Society for Medieval Archaeology
SMB  Server Message Block
  Surface Marker Buoy
SMC  Spijkenisse Medisch Centrum
SMD  Studenten Moeten Dood!
  Surface Mount Device
SME  Small Management Enterprise
  Subject-Matter Expert
SMF  Sexy Mother Fucker
SMG  Sarah Michelle Gellar
  Sub-Machine Gun
  Suck My Goat
SMI  Self Mounting Image
SML  Senate Majority Leader
  Stichting Machinale Landbouw
SMN  Samenwerkingsverband van Marokkanen in Nederland
SMP  Service-MeldPunt
  Societas Meteorologica Palatina,
  Stable Marriage Problem
  Statutory Maternity Pay
  Survival Multi Player
  Symmetric MultiProcessing
SMR  School MedezeggenschapsRaad
  Small Modular Reactor
SMS  Short Message Service
SMT  School of Media and Technology
SMV  Stolen Motor Vehicle
SNA  Stichting voor de Nederlandse Archeologie
SNB  Sub-cooled nucleate boiling
SNC  Spontaneous Nostril Combustion
SNE  Startvaardigheden Nederlands en Engels
SNF  Saturday Night Fever
  Spent Nuclear Fuel
SNG  Sint Nikolaas Genootschap
SNH  Secundaire Nutritionele Hyperparathyroïdie
SNI  Server Name Identification
SNL  Sandia National Laboratories
  Saturday Night Live
SNM  Special Nuclear Material
SNN  Spiritueel Netwerk Nederland
SNP  Scottish National Party
  Sensorisch Neurale Problemen
  Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
SNR  Super Nova Remnant
SNS  Samenwerkende Nederlandse Spaarbanken
SNV  Stichting Nederlandse Vrijwilligers
SOA  Seksueel Overdraagbare Aandoening
  Senior Organisatie Adviseur
  Service Oriented Architecture
  Service-Oriented Architecture
  Start Of Authority
SOB  Son of a Bitch
SOC  Scenes of Crime
  Service-Oriented Computing
  Span Of Control
SOF  Special Operational Forces
SOG  Studie Ontwijkend Gedrag
SOH  Start Of Heading
SOI  Schermers Onder Invloed
  Sillicon On Insulator
SOJ  Sphere Online Judge
SOK  StudieOvereenKomst
SOL  Shit Outta Luck
  Speed Of Light
SOP  Salwatoriański Ośrodek Powołań
  School of Pharmacy
  Service Orthodoxe de Presse
  Seynaeve Objectos Publicitários
  Síndrome de Ovarios Poliquísticos
  Small Outline Package
  socialistická organizace pracujících
  Société Odontologique de Paris
  Some Other Problem
  Sozio-oekonomische Panel
  Standing Operating Procedure
  Statement of Purpose
  Státní opera Praha
  Stichting Onafhankelijke Partners
  Strana Občianskeho Porozumenia
  Strategisch Ontwikkelings Plan
  Stream of Praise
  Subject-oriented programming
  Sum Of Products
  Surface OPerator (houdini)
  Systeem Ontwikkeling en Programmering
SOR  Successive Over Relaxation
SOS  Save Our Souls
  Sea Of SIn
  Service Oriented Systems
  Signalering Onjuist Spatiegebruik
  Sinkhole Of Support
SOW  Speaking Of Which
SPA  Society of Professional Accountants
  Staat van Politie Alarm
  Stichting Preferente Aandelen
SPC  Statistical Process Control
  Stop Producing Crap
  Stored Program Command
SPD  Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
  Spam Moet Dood
  Studio Provisioning Demo
SPE  Sound Pattern of English
SPF  Sender Policy Framework
  Stupid Populist Front
SPG  Special Patrol Group
SPH  Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
  Sociaal Pedagogische Hulpverlening
SPI  Service Provider Interface
SPM  Semi Permanent Mascara
  Software Portfolio Monitoring
SPP  Serial Port Profile
SPS  Small Penis Syndrome
  Station Police Sergeant
SPU  Sound Processing Unit
  Stream Processing Unit
  Studenten Protest Utrecht
  Synergistic Processing Unit
SPV  Sociaal Psychiatrische Verpleegkunde
SQC  Sponaneous Quality Cycle
  Statistical Quality Contro
  Statistical Quality Control
SQJ  Software Quality Journal
SQL  Structured Query Language
SQM  Strategic Quality Management
SQR  Structured Query Reporter
SQS  Simple Queue Service
SRA  Satanic Ritual Abuse
  Software Risk Assessment
SRB  Solid Rocket Booster
  Stichting Rokers Belangen
SRC  Société Royale du Canada
  Stichting Reclame Code
SRG  Safety Review Guidelines
SRH  strategic radiation-hardened
SRI  Stanford Research Institute
SRL  Stichting Revalidatie Limburg
  Survival Research Labs
SRM  Service Repair Manual
  Speech Recognition Module
  Standard Reference Material
  Standard Reference Model
SRO  Station Reception Officer
SRP  Session Request Protocol
  Standard Review Plan
SRS  Savannah River Site
  Solar Radio Spectograph
SRT  Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar
  Special Response Team
SRV  Samen Rationeel Verkopen
SSA  Segment Search Arguments
  Slippery Slope Argument
  Stichting Studenten Activiteiten
  Stovepipe System AntiPattern
SSB  Single Side Band
  Space Shuttle Boosters
SSC  Shader Sanity Check
  Shared Service Center
  Studenten Service Centrum
  Systems, structures and components
SSD  Solid State Drive
SSE  Scottish and Southern Energy
  Sensitive Site Exploitation
  Server Sent Events
  Sum of Squared Errors
SSF  Single Status Friends
  Speech Spectral Frontend
SSH  Secure Shell
  Stichting StudentenHuisvesting
SSI  Server Side Include
  Server Sided Issue
  Statens Serum Institut
SSL  Secure Socket Layer
  Solid State Logic
  Synthesizer Specification Language
SSM  Solid State Music
  surface-to-surface missile
SSN  Social Security Number
SSO  Single Sign On
  Sociaal Sterk Oss
SSP  Secondary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
  Signaal Special Products
  Stockpile Stewardship Plan
  Strategic Systems Programs
  Surface Science Package
SSR  Satellite System Receiver
  Secondary Surveillance Radar
  Sum of Squares due to Regression
SSS  Sea Salt Saloon
  Sigue Sigue Sputnik
  Simple Software Solutions
  Simple Storage Service
  Stepping Stone Strategy
  Sub Surface Scattering
SST  Sea Surface Temperature
  Shear Stress Transport
  Single Speed Transmission
  Solid State Technology
  SuperString Theory
SSY  Snoeiharde Sonic Youth
SSZ  Shouf Shouf Zombibi
STA  Science, Technology And Society
  Supplier Technical Assistance
STC  Stop Trump Coalition
  Syntactic Tail Calls
STD  Sexually-Transmitted Diseases
  State transition diagram
  Straight To Download
STE  Star Trek ENterprise
STF  Stage Toestemmingsformulier
STG  Scholary Technology Group
STI  Semantic Technology Institute
STK  Shoot to Kill
STL  Spread Those Legs
  Standard Template Library
  Stereo Tesselated Lithography
STP  Shielded Twisted Pair
  Standard Temperature and Pressure
STR  Short Tandem Repeats
  Special Theory of Relativity
STS  Sound Transform Systems
  Space Transportation System
  stockpile-to-target sequence
STT  Same Time Tomorrow
  Singapore Technologies Telemedia
  Skip on Third Tuesday
  Sugiyama Tugawa and Toda
  Surface Tension Transfer
STV  Star Trek Voyager
  Straight To Video
SUA  Software User Agreement
SUD  Single User Device
SUF  Sudden Unexpected Fatherhood
SUH  Sligo University Hospital
SUI  Shell Upstream International
SUK  Studenten Uithof Kommissie
SUM  Specifiek Universitair Magazine
  Stand Up Meeting
SUN  Socialistische Uitgeverij Nijmegen
SUP  Stand Up Paddling
SUS  Silly User Syndrome
  Single UNIX Specification
SUU  Southern Utah University
SUV  Sports Utility Vehicle
SVB  Silicon Valley Bank
  Sociale Verzekeringsbank
  Stichting Vesting Bourtange
SVD  Singular Value Decomposition
  Studium Verbum Domini
SVF  Simple Vector Format
SVG  Scalable Vector Graphic
  Smoke Vector Graphic
SVN  Silicon Valley North
  Social Venture Network
SVP  S'il Vous Plaît
SVT  Sveriges Television
SVZ  stand van zaken
SWA  Slit Wheel Assembly
SWF  Single White Female
  Steirischen Wirtschaftsförderung
  Sûd West Fryslân
  Sud-West Funk
SWL  Screaming With Laughter
SWM  Single White Male
SWO  Stichting Welzijn voor Ouderen
SWP  Small World Phenomenon
SWR  Scotch Whisky Regulations
SWT  Shorter Work Time
  Standard Widget Toolkit
SXI  Solar X-ray Imager
SYL  See You Later
  Strapping Young Lad
SYS  See You Soon
  Sesli Yanýt Sistemleri
  Shoot Your Shot
  Southwest Youth Symphony
  Stretch-Yawn Syndrome
  Sun Yat-Sen
SYT  Sweet Young Thing
SZH  Stichting Zeldzame Huisdierrassen
SZT  Servers Zijn Traag
SZZ  schoonzuszus