
Since 1998, the Casia Corporation Holland have been working on The Definitive TLA Wörterbuch to help people find their way in the ever growing intellectual chaos caused by the late-twentieth century tendency to use as many acronyms in daily communication as possible. Especially acronyms with a length of three letters have been and continue to be immensly popular, not only in Information and Communication Technology circles, but also among people in more mundane fields of labour; a tendency that has mushroomed with the advent of mobile communication and the combined growing popularity of Short Message Services.

At present, there are 7646 TLAs in the database. Of these, 4529 are distinct, out of 17576 possible (25.77%).

Please click on a bar in the diagram that is displayed below, or enter a search-string.

TLA's starting with U
160 results

UAA  Universal Administered Address
UAC  User Account Control
UAE  United Arab Emirates
UAP  Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
  Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena
  User agent profile
UAT  User Acceptance Test
UAV  United Atlantic Ventures
  Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  Utrechtse Aardwetenschappen Vereniging
UAW  United Auto Workers
UBA  Umweltbundesambt
UBD  Universitaire Bestuursdienst
UBE  unsolicited bulk e-mail
UBI  Unexplained Beer Injury
UBO  Ultimate Beneficial Owners
UBT  Utrechts Bureau voor Toerisme
UBU  Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht
UCA  U-matic Cassette Application
UCD  University College Dublin
UCE  Unsolicited Commercial Email
UCG  University College Groningen
UCH  University College Hospital
UCI  Union Cycliste Internationale
  University of California Irvine
UCK  Utrechts Centrum voor de Kunsten
UCL  University College London
  Upper Control Limit
UCO  Unie voor Christelijk Onderwijs
UCP  Utrecht City Project
UCR  Usability Change Request
UCS  Union of Concerned Scientists
  Universal Charging Solution
  Universal Coded Character Set
  Utrecht Centraal Station
UDA  Ulster Defence Association
UDB  Utrechts Dakdekkersbedrijf
UDC  Usage Data Collection
UDD  URL Driven Development
  User Defined Datatypes
UDE  Unreal Development Environment
UDF  Ukrainian Defense Forces
UDP  User Datagram Protocol
UDT  Undead Dispatch Team
UEE  UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology
UFD  Unknown Fields Division
UFF  Upper Field First
UFO  Unidentifiable Flat Object
  Unidentified Flying Obese
  Unidentified Flying Object
  Universitair Functieordenen
UFP  User of Functional Programming
UFW  Uncomplicated Firewall
  United Farm Workers
UGS  US Geological Survey
UGT  underground nuclear test
UGV  Utrechtse Geologen Vereniging
UHD  Universitair HoofdDocent
UHF  Ultra High Frequency
  Ultra Hight Frequency
UHI  University of the Highlands and Islands
UIB  Universitet i Bergen
UIC  Union Internationale des Chemins de fer
UID  UnIntelligent Design
UIO  Universitet i Olso
UIT  Universitet i Tromsø
  Utrechtse Introductie Tijd
UKK  Uppsala Konsert & Kongress
ULA  United Launch Alliance
ULL  Utrecht-London-lijntje
ULP  UPS Locator Plugin
ULV  Ultra Licht Vliegtuig
  Ultra Low Voltage
UMA  Unlicensed Mobile Access
UMC  Universitair Medisch Centrum (Utrecht)
UME  Unwise Microwave Experiment
UMF  Utrechts Monumentenfonds
UML  Unified Modeling Language
  University of Massachusetts Lowell
UMT  Utrechts Morris Team
UNC  Universal Naming Convention
UNS  Udruženje Novinara Srbije
  Universal Name Space
  Universidad Nacional del Sur
  Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
UOG  University Of Guelph
UOL  University Of Life
UOU  University Of Ulster
UPB  Universal Payload Bay
UPC  United Pan-Europe Communications
  Universal Product Code
UPD  Updated program data
UPE  Upper Paleolithic of Europe
UPF  Ultra Processed Food
  Uranium Processing Facility
UPI  Unified Payments Interface
UPN  User Principal Name
  User Principal Names
UPP  Universal Protocol Pointer
UPS  Uninterruptable Power Supply
  United Parcel Service
UQS  unique signal
URC  Unsolicited Result Code
URE  Unrecoverable Read Error
URF  Universal radar format
URI  Uniform Resource Identifier
URK  Utah Robot Kit
URL  Universal Resource Location
URM  Universele Rechten van de Mens
  UnReinforced Masonry
USA  United States Army
  United States of America
USB  Undecided State Bus
  Universal Serial Bus
USC  United States Code
  United States Constitution
  Universitair Sport Centrum
  Utrechtsch Studenten Corps
USD  United States Dollar
  Universal Scene Description
  University of San Diego
USE  Utrecht School of Economics
USF  Utrechtse Studenten Federatie
USG  United States Government
  Utrecht School of Governance
USL  Upper Specification Limit
USM  Unstoppable Sex Machine
  Unstoppable SexMachine
USO  Utrechts Symfonie Orkest
USP  Unique Selling Point
  Universidade de São Paulo
  Utrecht Science Park
USR  Unitas Studiosorum Rheno-Traiectina
  United States Robotics
  Universitaire Studentenraad
  Unwilling Sperm Recipient (rape victim)
  Utrechtse Studenten Roeivereniging
  Utrechtse Studenten Ruitervereniging
USS  United States Ship
USV  Unmanned Seaborne Vessels
  Unmanned Surface Vehicles
UTC  Coordinated Universal Time
  University Technical Colleges
  Utrechtse Taxi Centrale
UTF  UCS Transformation Format
  Unicode Transformation Format
UTM  Unified Threat Management
  Urchin Tracking Module
UTP  Unshielded Twisted Pair
UTR  untranslated region
UUP  Ulster Unionist Party
UUR  Unit Under Review
UUV  Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
UUX  user interface for remote command execution
UVA  Universiteit van Amsterdam
UVM  Unreal Virtual Machine
UVO  Utrechtse Vastgoed Organisatie
UWO  Unexplained Wealth Order
UWV  Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen
UZI  Unieke Zorgverlener Identificatie