Since 1998, the Casia Corporation Holland have been working on The Definitive TLA Wörterbuch to help people find their way in the ever growing intellectual chaos caused by the late-twentieth century tendency to use as many acronyms in daily communication as possible. Especially acronyms with a length of three letters have been and continue to be immensly popular, not only in Information and Communication Technology circles, but also among people in more mundane fields of labour; a tendency that has mushroomed with the advent of mobile communication and the combined growing popularity of Short Message Services.
At present, there are 7645 TLAs in the database.
Of these, 4529 are distinct, out of 17576 possible (25.77%).
Please click on a bar in the diagram that is displayed below, or enter a search-string.
Search: |
V | ||
VAA | Verloskunde Academie Amsterdam | |
Voxel Array Attributes | ||
VAB | Van Allen Belts | |
Vehicle Assembly Building | ||
VAC | Valve Amplification Company | |
VAD | Vereniging voor Alcohol- en andere Drugsproblemen | |
Virtual Adress Descriptors | ||
VAE | Verenigde Arabische Emiraten | |
VAF | Value Added Feature | |
VAG | Vereniging Additieve Genezers (AKA utter loosers) | |
VAH | Vereniging Aangeboren Heupafwijkingen | |
VAI | Vlaams Architectuur Instituut | |
VAJ | Visual Age for Java | |
VAK | Vereniging Audio-visuele Kontakten | |
VAL | Value-Oriented Algorithmic Language | |
Véhicule Automatique Léger | ||
Vlaamse Alzheimer Liga | ||
Voice Application Language | ||
VAM | Verenigde Aardolie Maatschappijen | |
Vuil Afvoer Maatschappij | ||
VAN | Vertically-Aligned Nematic (LCD display method) | |
VAO | Valuation Agency Office | |
Volunteer Ambulance Officer | ||
VAP | Ventilator Associated Pneumonia | |
Vereniging Analisten Pathologie | ||
Vereniging van Aannemers werkzaam in de Petrochemie | ||
Verzekerings Advies Programma | ||
Veterinair Administratie Programma | ||
Vientiane Action Programme | ||
Vintage Airstream Podcast | ||
Volunteer Achievement Program | ||
Vrienden van het Aangespannen Paard | ||
VAQ | Visiting Airman's Quarters | |
VAR | Value Added Resource | |
Verklaring ArbeidsRelatie | ||
video assisted referee | ||
VAS | Value Added Service | |
Virtual Address Space | ||
VAT | Value Added Taxes | |
VAU | Vehicular Adapter Unit | |
VAV | Variable Air Volume | |
VAW | Von Amts Wegen (German: Officially) | |
VAX | Virtual Address Extension | |
VAY | Vietnamese Alliance Youth | |
VAZ | Volshskij Automobilnyj Zavod (Russian automaker) | |
VBA | Visual Basic for Applications | |
VBB | Voltage Base Base | |
Vriendelijke Bankjes Bond | ||
VBC | Valid Bit Controller | |
VBD | Visual Branch Display | |
VBE | Visual Basic Editor | |
VBF | Vehicle Base Facility | |
VBG | Vertical Banded Gastroplasty | |
VBH | Virginal Breast Hypertrophy | |
VBI | Vertical Blanking Interval | |
VBJ | Vacuum Bell Jar | |
VBK | Verteidigungbezirkskommando (German) | |
VBL | Vertical Bloch Line (Memory Device) | |
Visible Bra Line | ||
VBM | Vakbond voor Burger en Militair defensiepersoneel | |
Visual Backward-Masking | ||
VBN | Visitor Based Network | |
VBO | Valence Band Offset (semiconductor property) | |
VBP | Vliegtermen Beschermings Protocol | |
VBR | Variable Bit Rate | |
Vector Base Register | ||
VBS | Visual Basic Script | |
VBT | Valence Bond Theory | |
Very Bad Thing | ||
VBU | Vertical Burn | |
VBV | Video Buffer Verifier (MPEG) | |
VBW | Video Band-Width | |
VBX | Visual Basic Extension | |
VBY | Visby, Sweden - Visby (Airport Code) | |
VBZ | Virtual BaZaar | |
VCA | Voltage Controlled Amplifier | |
VCB | Vacuum Circuit Breaker | |
VCC | Voorburg Cricket Club | |
VCD | Video CD | |
VCE | Vapor Cloud Expansion | |
VCF | Virtual card file | |
Visual Component Freework | ||
Vliegclub Fryslân | ||
VCG | Video Clock Generator | |
VCH | Vehicle Control Head (intelligent transporation systems) | |
VCI | Valkieser Capital Images | |
Value Chain Initiative (Microsoft) | ||
VCJ | Victor Company of Japan | |
VCK | Virus Creation Kit | |
VCL | Video Coding Layer | |
VCM | Virtual Channel Memory | |
VCN | Virtual Circuit Number | |
VCO | Variable Crystal Oscillator | |
Voltage Controlled Oscillator | ||
VCP | Vaste Commissie Plagiaat | |
Vehicle Check Point | ||
VCQ | Vibrant Color Quality | |
VCR | Video Cassette Recorder | |
VCS | Vehicle Control System | |
Version Control System | ||
Voltage Controlled Studio | ||
VCT | Virtual Connection Tree | |
VCU | Video Control Unit | |
VCV | Vacuum Check Valve | |
VCW | Venture Capital World | |
VCX | Virtual Component Exchange | |
VCY | Voices for Children and Youth. | |
VCZ | Volonterski Centar Zagreb | |
VDA | Variable Depth Array | |
VDB | Video Display Buffer | |
Volumetric Data Blocks | ||
VDC | Video Distribution Controller | |
VDD | Virtual Device Driver | |
VDE | Video Display Editor | |
VDF | Variable Data Field | |
VDG | Video Display Generator | |
VDH | Valvular Disease - Heart | |
VDI | Vestnik Drevnej Istorii | |
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure | ||
VDJ | Video Disc Jockey | |
VDK | VisualDSP++ Kernel (ADI) | |
Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge | ||
VDL | Video Data Link | |
VDM | Virtual DOS Machine | |
VDN | Vector Defined Network | |
VDO | Very Distant Object(s) | |
VDP | Video Display Processor | |
VDQ | Video Display Quality | |
VDR | Video Disk Recorder | |
VDS | Video Distribution System | |
VDT | Variable Density Tunnel | |
Video Display Terminal | ||
VDU | Visual Display Unit | |
VDV | Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen | |
VDW | Van Der Waals | |
VDX | Virtual Document Exchange | |
VDY | 3-(2-(1-(5-hydroxy-1,5-dimethyl-hexyl)-7a-methyl- octahydro-inden-4-ylidene)-ethylidene)-4-methylene- cyclohexanol | |
VDZ | Verband Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger | |
VEA | Veterans' Entitlements Act | |
VEB | Ventricular Escape Beat | |
Vereniging Effectenbezitters | ||
VEC | Vector Error Correction | |
VED | Vacuum Erectile Device | |
VEE | Virtual Engineering Environment | |
VEF | Variable Explanation Format | |
VEG | Very Evil Grin | |
VEH | Vectored Exception Handler | |
Vereniging Eigen Huis | ||
VEI | Volcanic Explosivity Index | |
VEJ | Vereniging van Europese Journalisten | |
VEK | Verlag Ernst Kuhn | |
Vlaamse Economische Kring | ||
VEL | Variable Enlistment Legislation | |
VEM | Virtual Electron Microscope | |
VEN | Variable Exhaust Nozzle | |
VEO | Valence Electron Only | |
VEP | Video Expansion Port | |
VEQ | Variation in Estimated Quantities | |
VER | Vereniging Exploitanten Relaxbedrijven | |
Verified Emissions Reductions | ||
VES | Visual Effects Society | |
VET | Vehicle Emissions Test | |
VEU | Very Extreme Ultraviolet | |
VEV | Vacuum Expectation Value | |
VEW | Vereinigte EdelstahlWerke | |
VEX | Vector Expression | |
Video Extensions for X-windows | ||
VEZ | VirtuaLand Entertainment Zone | |
VFA | Volatile Fatty Acid | |
VFB | Virginia Farm Bureau | |
VFC | Voltage to Frequency Converter | |
VFD | Vacuum Fluorescent Display | |
VFE | Velocity, Flaps Extended | |
VFF | Valence Force Field | |
VFG | Vereniging van Friese Gemeenten | |
Video Frame Grabber | ||
VFH | Vector Field Histogram | |
VFI | Variable Fuel Injection | |
Vereniging voor Fondsenwervende Instellingen | ||
Very Fuckable Individual | ||
VFK | Variable Function Key | |
VFL | Visual Fault Locator | |
VFM | Virtual File Manager | |
VFR | Visual Flight Rules | |
VFX | Visual Effects | |
VGA | Video Graphics Array | |
VGD | Voiture de Grande Diffusion | |
VGJ | voor gangbare jaartelling | |
VGT | Viktors Gave TLA | |
Virtual Global Taskforce | ||
VHA | Verse Hollandse Aarbeien | |
VHB | Very High Bond | |
VHF | Very High Frequency | |
VHK | Voortgezet Hoger Kunstonderwijs | |
VHS | Video Home System | |
VIA | Vreemdelingen Identiteitsdocumenten & Arbeid | |
VIB | Verzoek Informatie Behandelen | |
VMware Installation Bundle | ||
VID | Verkeers Informatie Dienst | |
VII | Vehicle Infrastructure Integration | |
VIK | Verband der Industriellen energie und Kraftwirtschaft | |
Vista Is Kut | ||
VIN | Varkens In Nood | |
Vehicle Identification Number | ||
VIP | Very Important Person | |
Very Interchangeable Person | ||
Very Intoxicated Person | ||
Very Irreal People | ||
VIZ | Varkens In Zicht | |
VKE | Vrouwen en Kinderen Eerst | |
VKV | Veterinaire Klinische Virologie | |
Von Karman Vortices | ||
VLA | Very Large Array | |
Very Light Aircraft | ||
VLC | variable-length code | |
Victorian Legislative Council | ||
VideoLAN Client | ||
Virtual Learning Center | ||
Virtual Learning Community | ||
Visible Light Communications | ||
VLM | Vlaamse Luchtvaart Maatschappij | |
VLN | Very Large Number | |
VLR | Visitor Location Register | |
VMC | Virtual memory configuration | |
Visual Meteorological Conditions | ||
VMD | Voetbal Moet Dood | |
Vrouwen Moeten Dood | ||
VME | Versa-Module Electronic | |
VMI | Virginia Military Institute | |
VML | Vector markup language | |
VMN | VentroMedial Nucleus (neurophysiology) | |
VMS | Virtual Memory System | |
Visual Management Systems | ||
VNA | Vector Network Analyzer | |
VNC | Virtual Network Computing | |
VNG | Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten | |
VNL | VoorNederland | |
VNM | Vietnam (ISO 3166 trigram) | |
VNO | Verbond van Nederlandse Ondernemingen | |
Volgelopen Neuk Objecten | ||
VNT | Vereniging van Nederlandstaligen in Taiwan | |
VOC | Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie | |
Volatile Organic Compounds | ||
Volharding-Olympia Combinatie | ||
VOD | Veno-Occlusive Disease | |
Video On Demand | ||
VOF | Vereniging Onder Firma | |
Very Odd Foreigner | ||
VOG | Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag | |
VOJ | voor onze jaartelling | |
VOK | Vrijdag Ochtend Kater | |
VOL | Visual Orientation Laboratory | |
VOM | Volt-Ohm Meter | |
VON | Victorian Order of Nurses | |
VOO | Vereniging voor Openbaar Onderwijs | |
Veronica Omroep Organisatie | ||
VOP | Voetgangersoversteekplaats | |
VOR | VHF Omnidirectional Range | |
VHF Omnidirectional Ranging | ||
VOW | Vertrokken Onbekend Waarheen | |
VOX | Voice Operated oscillator | |
VPF | Virtual Print Fee | |
VPL | Visible Panty Line | |
VPN | Virtual Private Network | |
VPS | Virtual Private Server | |
VPU | Vulnarable Persons Unit | |
VRA | Volharding R.A.P. Amstels | |
VRB | Viktor Rietveld Blaaaat | |
VRF | Virtual Routing and Forwarding | |
Volkomen Ruk Framework | ||
VRO | Volkshuisvesting en Ruimtelijke Ordening | |
VRT | Vibration Reduction Technology | |
Vlaamse Radio en Televisie | ||
Vulnerability Research Team | ||
VRU | VeiligheidsRegio Utrecht | |
Voice Response Unit | ||
VSA | Very Short Article | |
VSB | Verenigde Spaarbank | |
VSC | Validation Server Control | |
VSD | Veel Snel Duur | |
Video Single Disc | ||
Virtual Server Daemon | ||
VSE | Vision for Space Exploration | |
VSH | Vliegschool Hilversum | |
VSL | Vereniging van Stelling Leveranciers | |
Vienna Symphonic Library | ||
VSM | Vector Space Model | |
VSN | Vrij en Sociaal Nederland | |
VSO | Voluntary Services Overseas | |
VST | Veteranen Search Team | |
Virtual Studio Technology | ||
VTB | Verenigde Texelsche Beursbedrijven | |
Verenigde Texelse Bedrijven | ||
VTC | Video Tele-Conference | |
VTE | Vacuum Thermal Evaporation | |
VTK | Visualisation ToolKit | |
VTP | Viral Transfer Protocol | |
VTR | Vereniging Timmerwerk Restauratie | |
VTT | Vélo Tous Terrains | |
Voltooid Toekomende Tijd | ||
VTV | Verkeerde TLA van Viktor | |
VUE | Visual User Environment | |
VUP | VAX United of Processing | |
VUT | vervroegde uittreding | |
VVA | Vereniging Van Eigenaren | |
VVD | Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie | |
VVE | Variable Viscosity Engine | |
Vereniging van Eigenaren | ||
VVL | Vision Video Ltd. | |
VVM | Vereniging van Milieudeskundigen | |
VVO | Vienna Vegetable Orchestra | |
VVP | Vlakke Vloer Platform | |
VVT | Viktors Vele TLA's | |
Viktors Verkeerde TLA | ||
Voltooid Verleden Tijd | ||
VVV | Vat Vol Vet | |
Vereniging voor Vreemdelingen Verkeer | ||
Vollenhoofse Vereniging voor Volksvermaken | ||
VWA | Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit | |
Voedsel- en Waren Autoriteit | ||
VWO | Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs | |
VWS | Volker Wessels Stevin | |
Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport | ||
VZL | Vijfduizend Zinloze TLA's |