
Since 1998, the Casia Corporation Holland have been working on The Definitive TLA Wörterbuch to help people find their way in the ever growing intellectual chaos caused by the late-twentieth century tendency to use as many acronyms in daily communication as possible. Especially acronyms with a length of three letters have been and continue to be immensly popular, not only in Information and Communication Technology circles, but also among people in more mundane fields of labour; a tendency that has mushroomed with the advent of mobile communication and the combined growing popularity of Short Message Services.

At present, there are 7646 TLAs in the database. Of these, 4529 are distinct, out of 17576 possible (25.77%).

Please click on a bar in the diagram that is displayed below, or enter a search-string.

TLA's starting with H
239 results

HAA  Hampshire Archery Association
HAB  Hardened Accomodation Block
HAC  Humanitarian Activities Committee
HAI  Helicopter Association International
  Hellenic Aerospace Industry
HAL  Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer
  Holland-Amerika Lijn
HAM  Hold And Modify
HAN  Hogeschool Arnhem en Nijmegen
HAP  Html Agility Pack
HAR  Human Accelerated Region
  Human Activity Recognition
HAT  Hardware Attached on Top
HBA  High Beam Assist
  Host Bus Adapter
HBB  Hand Bike Battle
HBC  Helena Bonham Carter
HBD  Home Brew Digest
HBF  High Burnup Fuel
HBG  Hollandsche Beton Groep
HBH  Hulp Bij Huishouden
HBI  holy bike inch
  House Breaking Implements
HBJ  Hero Brinkman Jeugdbeweging
HBM  Heineken's Bierbrouwerij Maatschappij
  Herman Buitelaar Machines
  High Bandwidth Memory
HBO  Hoger Beroepsonderwijs
  Home Beat Officer
  Home Box Office
HBP  Human Brain Project
HBS  High Burnup Structure
  Hogere Burgerschool
  Hold Baggage Screening
  Houdt Braef Stant
HBU  Homebrew Bittering Unit
HBV  Hoeks Bizarre Verdwijning
HCA  Haut-commissariat à l'Amazighité
  High-Contamination Area
  Human Cell Atlas
HCC  Hobby Computer Club
HCD  Human Centered Design
HCF  Hell Creek Formation
  Highes Common Factor
  Highest Common Factor
HCI  Host Controller Interface
  Human Computer Interface
  Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure
HCM  Ho Chi Min
HCN  Blauwzuurgas (een cyanide)
HCQ  hydroxychloroquine
HCR  Habitual Criminals Register
  Hockeyclub Rijnvliet
HDB  Hierarchycal Data Bases
HDD  HardDisk Drive
  Horizontal Directional Drilling
HDF  High Density Fiberboard
HDI  Human Development Index
HDN  Hoe De Neuk
HDR  High Dynamic Range
HDT  Hele Dikke Tieten
  High-Tech & Digitale Transformatie
HEA  High Entropy Alloy
HEB  Here's Everything Better
HEC  Hardware Engineering Conference
  Henry Edward Crampton
HEK  Haus der Elektronischen Künste
  Heel Erg Kut
HEL  Het Echte Leven
HEM  Hibernate Entity Manager
  Hollandse Energie Maatschappij
HEO  High Earth Orbit
HER  Historic Environment Record
HES  Hogeschool voor Economische Studies
HET  Hele Erotische Taaitaai
  Home Entertainment Today
HEU  Highly Enriched Uranium
HFA  High Functioning Autism
HFC  Halal Fried Chicken
  Henry Ford Company
HFD  heilige fietsduim
HFF  Holy Fist Fuck
HFG  Hans Freudenthalgebouw
HFR  High Frame Rate
HFS  Hierarchical File System
HGA  Hydrogen Gas Accumulator
HGP  Human Genome Project
HGV  Heavy Goods Vehicle
  Hypersonic Glide Vehicle
HHG  Hanze Hogeschool Groningen
  Hitch Hikers Guide
HHH  Hanze Huiswerk Hulp
  Holland Heineken House
HHI  Hilton Head Island
HHK  Hersteld Hervormde Kerk
HHN  His Holy Noodlyness
HHS  Hogere Hotel School
HIA  Health Impact Accelerator
HIC  Hanze Informatie Centrum
  Heavy Ion Collider
HIE  Highlands and Islands Enterprise
HIL  hand-rolled instrumentation logic
  Human Interface Link
HIM  His Infernal Majesty
HIO  Hoger Informatica Onderwijs
HIP  Human Interface Parser
HIS  Hanze Instituut voor Sportstudies
  Huisarts Informatie Systeem
HIT  Horeca Interventie Team
HIV  Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HJS  Hochschule für Jüdische Studien
HKA  Held–Karp algorithm
HKH  Hare Koninklijke Hoogheid
HKS  Harde Kern Spakenburg
HKU  Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
HLA  Human Lymphocyte Antigen
HLB  Hot Liquor Bath
HLD  Hoofdvaarweg Lemmer-Delfzijl
HLE  Hebgen Lake Earthquake
HLL  Higher Level Language
HLM  Hoek Language Model
HLR  Home Location Register
HLS  HTTP Live Streaming
HLW  High Level Waste
HLX  Hyper Luminous Xraysource
HLZ  Hervormd Lyceum Zuid
HMC  Histopyramid Marching Cubes
HMD  Human Mobile Devices
HMG  Holland Media Groep
  Holland Mounting Group
HMH  Heineken Music Hall
HMI  Hamburg Mannheimer Insurance
  Human machine interface
HMM  Hibernate Metadata Model
  Hidden Markov Model
  Hidden Markov Models
  Horowitz Maldacena Model
HMO  House in Multiple Occupation
HMP  Her Majesty's Prison
HMR  Hogeschool MedezeggenschapsRaad
HMS  His/Her Majesty's Steamer
HMV  His Master's Voice
  Hongaarse Mahler Vereniging
HND  Het Nieuwe Denken
HNF  Highest Normal Form
HNG  Hele Nederlandse Guldens
HNL  His Noodely Lordship
  Holland. Norway Lines
HNP  Het Nieuwe Printen
  Host Negotiation Protocol
HNT  Het Nationale Theater
HOA  Hoger Onderwijs Academie
HOD  Head Of Department
HOE  Head Of Everything
  Hoeren of Explosieven
HOP  Handig, Overzichtelijk en Praktisch
HOS  Head On Stick
HOT  Hemelvaart Organisatie Team
HOU  Hordes Of the Underdark
HOV  Harmonie Orkest Vleuten
  Hoogwaardig Openbaar Vervoer
HPA  Health Protection Agency
  Hoofd Productschap Akkerbouw
HPC  High Performance Computing
HPE  Hewlett Packard Enterprise
HPF  High Pass Filter
HPL  Hanze Persoonlijke Laptop
  Hoek's Programming Language
HPP  Heuristic Programming Project
HPS  Hiërarchisch Proces Schema
  Hybrid PhotoSynthesis
HPT  Hiigh Performance Team
HPU  Hydraulic Pressure Unit
HPV  Humaan Papillomavirus
HQE  Human Quantum Energy
HQL  Hibernate Query Language
HQM  Hippie Quantum Mechanics
HRA  Human Rights Act
HRB  His Royal Badness
HRC  High Rupture Current
  Human Rights Commision
HRD  Hoofdafdeling Research & Development
HRH  His Royal Highness
HRM  Human Resource Management
HRP  Halden Reactor Project
  Human Rights Policy
HRT  Hard Real-Time
HRW  Human Rights Watch
HSA  Hot Side Aeration
HSB  Hue-Saturation-Brightness
HSC  HTML Server Control
HSD  High Speed Data
HSE  Health and Safety Executive
HSF  Handbook of Salmon Fishing
HSI  Hyper Spectral Imaging
HSK  Horrendous Space Kablooie
HSL  Henrietta Swan Leavitt
  Hue Saturation Luminance
HSP  Hanzehogeschool Sirius Programma
  Heidemarie Stefanyshyn Piper
  High Society Person
  Highly Sensitive Person
HSS  Heineken Studenten Service
  High-speed Sea Service
HST  Hubble Space Telescope
HSV  Hamburger Sport-Verein
  Hanze Studentenbelangen Vereniging
  Hanze Studentenvereniging
  Hue Saturation Value
HTA  Human Tissue Authority
HTC  High Tech Computer
HTH  Hope This Helps
HTL  Hoeks Todo List
HTM  Haagse Tram Maatschappij
HTR  High-temperature gas-cooled reactor
HTS  Hayat Tahrir al-Sham
  Hogere Technische School
HTW  Herman Tjeenk Willink
HUA  Het Utrechts Archief
HUB  Haarlems Uitgeef Bedrijf
HUH  Harper University Hospital
  Harvard University Herbaria
  Howard University Hospital
HUN  Hackers Underground Network
HUP  Hypersonic Upgrade Program
HVG  Heel Veel Geld
HVM  Homo's Voor Mannen
HVP  Heel Veel Pieken
  High Value Package
HVS  Heeren Van Sonoy
HWE  Hardware Enablement
HWN  Hard Werkende Nederlander
HWP  Huis Warm Partijtje
HWW  Hiring Without Whiteboards
HYE  Hurt Your Eyes
HZP  HBO'rs Zijn Prutsers