
Since 1998, the Casia Corporation Holland have been working on The Definitive TLA Wörterbuch to help people find their way in the ever growing intellectual chaos caused by the late-twentieth century tendency to use as many acronyms in daily communication as possible. Especially acronyms with a length of three letters have been and continue to be immensly popular, not only in Information and Communication Technology circles, but also among people in more mundane fields of labour; a tendency that has mushroomed with the advent of mobile communication and the combined growing popularity of Short Message Services.

At present, there are 7501 TLAs in the database. Of these, 4481 are distinct, out of 17576 possible (25.49%).

Please click on a bar in the diagram that is displayed below, or enter a search-string.

TLA's starting with M
385 results

MAA  Minor attracted adult (paedophile)
MAC  Media Access Control
  Mothers Against Canada
  Mudiad Amddiffyn Cymru
  Myth of Animal Consent
MAD  Magnetic Anomaly Detection
  Military Air Distress
  Moeten Allemaal Dood
  Mogen Allemaal Dood
  Mutually Assured Destruction
MAE  Moveable Audio Engine
MAF  Mortgage Application Form
MAG  Meneage Archeology Group
  Motorrijders Actie Groep
MAL  Moeder Aller Lasagnas
MAM  Management Akademie München
MAO  Monoamine Oxidase
MAP  Media Art Platform
  Microwave Anistropy Probe
  Migratie Applicatie Pensioensystemen
  Ministry of Aircraft Production
  monoammonium phosphate
MAS  Minerva Arduino Set
MAW  Met Andere Woorden
MAX  Cokedealer
MBA  MacBook Air
  Master of Business Administration
  Moderne Bedrijfs Administratie
MBB  Montgomery Bus Boycott
MBC  Malawi Broadcasting Corporation
  Middle-east Broadcasting Corporation
  Multi-Band Camera
MBD  Minimal Brain Dysfunction
MBE  Member of the British Empire
MBF  Moleculaire Biofysica
MBI  Message-Based Interoperability
MBL  Michiel Basiaan Lequin
MBO  Middelbaar Beroeps Onderwijs
  Middelbare Beroeps Opleiding
MBR  Master Boot Record
MBS  Mohammad bin Salman
  Morgage Backed Securities
MBT  Main Ballast Tank
MBW  Metropolitan Board of Works
  Monitor Brede Welvaart
MCA  Micro Channel Architecture
  Misuse of Civil Aviation
MCB  Marie Curie Beurs
  Muslim Council of Britain
MCC  Marylebone Cricket Club
  Mercury Control Center
  Microelectronics and Computer technology Corporation
  Ministeriële Commissie Crisisbeheersing
  Mission Control Center
  Multiversion Concurrency Control
  Museo de Cetáceos de Canarias
MCD  Mentally Challenged Design
MCF  Magic control file
MCG  Melbourne Cricket Ground
MCI  Manning's Collective Intelligence
  Media Control Interface
MCN  Muziek Centrum Nederland
MCO  Mars Climate Orbiter
MCP  Maritime Communications Partner
  Master Control Program
  Mexico City Pollution
  Microsoft Checksum Professional
MCR  Main Control Room
MCS  Marine Conservation Society
  Mega Computer Services
MCT  Mars Colonial Transporter
  Ministeriële Commissie Troonswisseling
MCU  Marvel Cinematic Universe
  Marvel Comics Universe
MCV  MIDI to Control Voltage
  Multi Convivial Vehicle
  Muziekcentrum Vredenburg
MCW  Middel Class Whiners
  Moscone Center West
MDA  Model Driven Architecture
  Multiple Docking Adaptor
MDC  Movement for Democratic Change
MDD  Major Depressive Disorder
MDF  Medium Density Fiberboard
MDH  Milk Drinking Homo's
MDI  Meldpunt Discriminatie Internet
  Multiple Document Interface
  polycarbodiimide-modified diphenylmethane diisocyanate
MDO  Multidisciplinair overleg
MDP  Mar Del Plaza
  Massive Domestic Propaganda
MDR  Medical Device Regulation
  Memory Data Register
  Multiple Decoy Rockets
MDT  Mountain Daylight Time
  Muziek- Dans- en Theaterschool
MEA  Monoethanolamine
MED  Manhattan Engineer District
  Manhattan Engineering District
MEE  Mass Extinction Event
MEG  Magnetoencephalography
MEK  Mono-Evolver Keys
MEL  Maya Embedded Language
MEM  Main Electronics Module
  Mars Excursion Module
  Maximum Entropy Method
  Micro Electro Mechanical
MEO  Marine Engineering Officer
MEP  Member of European Parliament
  Multi-Engine Piston
MES  Maar Eens Scheren
  Marine Evacuation System
  Media Encoder Service
MET  Middle European Time
  Mission Elapsed Time
MEZ  Maar Eens Zetten
MFA  multi-factor authentication
MFB  Motional Feedback
MFE  Multithreading Finite Elements
MFH  Major Fucking Hangover
MFI  Maastricht Forensic Institute
MFM  Meat Free Monday
MFO  Mede Financierings Organisatie
  Meldpunt Fouten in Overheidsregistraties
  Meteorologie en Fysische Oceanografie
MFT  Master File Table
  Mobile Fire Team
  Monocular Feature Tracking
MFU  Medicinal Fetal Unit
MGA  Microsoft Genuine Advantage
MGC  Magic Gravity Cock
MGD  Miller Genuine Draft
MGM  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
MGN  Mirror Group Newspapers
MGV  Musique à Grande Vitesse
MHC  Mile High Club
MHF  Mile High Flights
MHW  Museum Hoge Woerd
MIA  Missing In Action
MIB  Management Information Base
  Meisjes In Bikini
  Men In Black
MIC  Machine Identification Code
MID  Militaire Inlichtingendienst
MIH  Make It Happen
MIK  Mist Is Kut
MIL  Microsoft Intermediate Language
MIM  Make it Mine
  Multimedia International Market
MIR  Micro Instruction Register
  Modernised International Reactor
MIS  Major Investment Study
  Management information system
  men in skirts
  minimally invasive surgery
  Multiple Importance Sampling
MIT  massachusetts institute of technology
MJD  Modified Julian Date
MJK  Museum JaarKaart
MKB  Midden en Klein Bedrijf
MKE  Maar Klanten Eerst
MKZ  Meer Koffie Zetten
  Mond- en Klauwzeer
MLA  Mercury Laser Altimeter
  Micro Light Aircraft
  Militaire Luchtvaart Autoriteit
  Modern Language Association of America
  Music Loudness Alliance
MLB  Main Logic Board
  Major League Baseball
MLC  Mid Life Crisis
MLD  Mead Lover's Digest
  Mean Lethal Dose
  Missile Launch Detection
  Moon Landing Deniers
MLE  Maximum Likelihood Estimation
MLF  Marshmallow Laser Feast
MLK  Martin Luther King
  Moeilijk Lerende Kinderen
  MSX LinKer
MLP  Machine Learning Pattern
  Meridian Lossless Packing
  Mobile Launch Platform
MLT  Marianne Louise Thieme
MMA  Maine Municipal Association
  Mainframe Migration Alliance
  Malaysian Medical Association
  Maldives Monetary Authority
  Malta Maritime Authority
  Marine Military Academy
  Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
  Marketing Management Analytics
  Massachusetts Maritime Academy
  Massachusetts Motorcycle Association
  Massachusetts Municipal Association
  Media Monitoring Agency
  Medical Marketing Association
  Medicare Modernization Act
  Medicine and Madison Avenue
  Mennonite Mutual Aid
  Mercy Medical Airlift
  Michigan Manufacturers Association
  Middle Mnagement Association
  MIDI Manufacturers Association
  Milde Monty Python Associatie
  Ministerio de Medio Ambiente
  Mixed Martial Arts
  Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal
  Mutuelles du Mans Assurances
MMB  Medium Messaging Benchmark
MMC  Merchant Mariner Credential
  Microsoft Management Console
MMD  Mensen Moeten Dood
  Mickey Mouse Diagram
  Multi Markdown
MMF  Memory Mapped File
  Music Managers Forum
MMH  Marc-Marie Huijbregts
MMM  Misdaad, Marteling en Moord
  Mix Master Mike
  Modern Money Mechanics
  Money Making Machine
MMO  Massive Multiplayer Online
MMR  measles mumps rubella
MMS  Middelbare Meisjesschool
  Modular Mining Systems
MMT  Magic Money Tree
  Model to Model Transformations
  Modern Monetary Theory
MMU  Memory Management Unit
MMV  MiniMoog Voyager
MMX  Martian Moons eXploration
MNA  Maatschappij tot Nut van het Algemeen
MNG  Multi-image Network Graphics
MNO  Mobile Network Operator
MNP  Moeder Neukende Poep
MNS  Minerva Network Systems
MNW  Man and the Natural World
MOA  Macromedia Open Architecture
MOC  Meridional Overturning Circulation
  My Own Creation
MOE  Maintenance of Effort
MOF  Meta-Object Facility
MOG  Melding Ongewenste Gebeurtenis
MOI  Moment Of Inertia
MOL  Manned Orbital Laboratory
  Meaning Of Love
  Middle Of Life
MOM  Master of Malt
  Maximum Operating Mach
  Message Oriented Middleware
MON  Montagne Omroep Nederland
  Motor Octane Number
MOP  Meerjaren Ontwikkelings Plan
  Mogelijk Ongewenst Programma
MOR  Mandatory Occurence Reporting
  Melding Openbare Ruimte
  Methods Or Research
MOS  Metal Oxide Semiconductor
MOT  ministry of transport
MOU  Memorandum Of Understanding
MOX  Mixed oxide fuel
MPA  Master of Public Administration
  Medroxyprogeteron Acetaat
  Mimetic Poly Alloy
  Motion Picture Association
MPC  Malignant Pestilent Cunts
  Massive Pile of Crap
  Micro Program Counter
  Milk Protein Concentrate
  Moving Picture Company
  Multipurpose Project Corantijn
MPD  Metropolitan Police DIstrict
MPF  Matte Painting Fetishist
MPG  Miles Per Gallon
MPH  Miles Per Hour
MPI  Meeting Professionals International
  Mongoloid Porn Inferno
MPM  Manufacturing Process Management
  Multi Processing Module
MPP  Massive Parallel Processing
  Meerjaren Productie Prognose
MPR  Ministry of Petroleum Resources (Nigeria)
MPS  Metropolitan Police Service
  Mozart Programming System
MPV  minimal Penis Vehicle
  Multi Purpose Vehicle
MPX  Multi-Purpose Effects
MQI  Message Queue Interface
MQS  Message Queing System
  Message Queuing System
MRB  Multiple resolution bitmap graphics
MRC  Middleware Resource Center
MRE  Meal Ready to Eat
MRF  Meat Rendering Facility
MRI  Mathematical Research Institute
MRL  Maximum Residue Level
  Metaphysics Research Laboratory
MRO  Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
MRP  Manufacturing Resource Planning
  Materials Requirements Planning
  Multilevel Regression and Poststratification
MRS  Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
MRT  Mass Rapid Transport
  Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy
MSA  Middle Stone Age
  Modern Standard Arabic
MSB  Most Significant Bit
MSC  Manned Spacecraft Center
  Master of Science
  Missinian Salinity Crisis
  Mujahideen Shura Council
MSD  Most Significant Digit
  Multiple Site Damage
MSE  Maximum Solar Exposure
  Microsoft Security Essentials
MSF  Médecins Sans Frontières
  Microsoft Solutions Framework
MSG  Miranda Sex Garden
  Monosodium GlutoMate
MSI  Microsoft Installer
  Movimento Sociale Italiano
MSM  MainStream Media
  Miami Sound Machine
MSN  Microsoft Network
  Multiple Subscriber Number
MSP  Master Stack Pointer
MSR  Main Supply Route
  Molten Salt Reactor
MSS  Mobile Service Structure
  Model Sum of Squares
  Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf
MSW  Municipal Solid Waste
MSX  Machines with Software eXchangeability
  Microsoft eXtended
MTA  Mail Transport Agent
MTB  motortorpedoboten
MTG  Massa TLA Gekut
MTJ  Mobile Tools for Java
MTM  Mijn Type Meisje
MTO  Medewerkers Tevredenheids Onderzoek
MTP  MIDI Time Piece
  Modellerings Tool Pensioen
MTR  Magnetic Tape Recorder
MTS  Mars To Stay
MTT  Multiple Transaction Translator
MTU  Maximum Transmission Unit
  Michigan Tech University
MTV  Mars Transfer Vehicle
  Molecular Tumour Volume
  Music Television
MTW  Megasonic Teenage Warhead
MTZ  Massa TLA Zooi
MUC  Manchester University Computer
MUI  Macromedia User Interface
  Magic User Interface
MUM  Mumbai
MUX  Multiplexer
MVC  Model View Controller
  Moreno Valley College
MVL  Man Voxel Land
MVM  Meisjes Voor Mannen
MVN  Matthijs van Nieuwkerk
MVO  Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen
  Member of the Royal Victorian Order
MVP  Minimal Viable Product
  Minimum Viable Product
MVS  Multiple Virtual Storage
MVW  Maartje van Weegen
MWC  Weighted Methods per Class
MWE  Minimal Working Example
MWM  Married White Man
  Million Women March
  Million Worker March
  Motif Window Manager
  Motoren Werke Mannheim
  Moustarchindina Wal Moustarchidati
MWO  Militair-wetenschappelijke opleiding
  Mount Wilson Observatory
MYM  Meet Your Meat
MZK  Mensen Zijn Kut