
Since 1998, the Casia Corporation Holland have been working on The Definitive TLA Wörterbuch to help people find their way in the ever growing intellectual chaos caused by the late-twentieth century tendency to use as many acronyms in daily communication as possible. Especially acronyms with a length of three letters have been and continue to be immensly popular, not only in Information and Communication Technology circles, but also among people in more mundane fields of labour; a tendency that has mushroomed with the advent of mobile communication and the combined growing popularity of Short Message Services.

At present, there are 7501 TLAs in the database. Of these, 4481 are distinct, out of 17576 possible (25.49%).

Please click on a bar in the diagram that is displayed below, or enter a search-string.

TLA's starting with O
225 results

OAA  Oxaloacetic acid
OAM  Open Application Model
OAP  Old Age Pensioner
  Over-Anxious Parent
  Overig Academisch Personeel
OAS  OpenAPI Specification
  Oracle Application Server
OAT  Outside Air Temperature
OBA  Object-Based Audio
  Octave Band Analyzer
OBB  Oriented Bounding Box
OBC  Obscured By Clouds
OBE  Officer of the British Empire
  Old Bottle Effect
  Oracle By Example
  Order of the British Empire
OBI  Ontologische Basis Intuïtie
OBJ  Offences Brought to Justice
OBP  Object Based Programming
  Octamer Binding Protein
  Officiële Belgische Postzegelcatalogus
  On Base Percentage
  Onafhankelijke Burger Partij
  Ondersteunend en beheerspersoneel
  Online Brand Protection
  Open Bridging Protocol
  OpenBoot PROM
  Optimized Business Process
  Orange Blossom Pilsner
  Oregon Board Of Pharmacy
OBR  Office for Budget Responsibility
OBS  Open Broadcaster Software
  Openbare BasisSchool
OCA  Offensive Counter Air
  Office of Compliance Analytics
OCC  Old-timer Caravan Club
  Optimistic Concurrency Control
  Organic Cardamom Cookies
OCD  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OCF  Object craft file
OCG  Organised Crime Group
OCI  Optical Compute Interconnect
  Oracle Call Interface
OCL  Open Computing Language
OCM  Othniel Charles Marsh
OCR  Optical Character Recognition
  Oxford Cancer Research
OCU  Operational Command Unit
OCW  Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen
OCZ  OverClockerZ
ODD  Optical Disc Drive
ODE  Offline Diagnostics Environment
  Open Distance Education
  Open Dynamics Engine
ODF  Open Dutch Fiber
ODI  One-Day International
ODN  Optical Distribution Network
ODP  Onderste Dode Punt
ODS  Other Digital Stuff
OED  Operation Early Dawn
  Oxford English Dictionary
OEE  Overall Equipment Effectiveness
OEI  Office of Environmental Information
OEM  Original Equipment Manufacturer
OER  Onderwijs en Examen Regeling
OEV  Omnia Est Vagina
  Onder Eervolle Vermelding
  Oranje Evenementen Vereniging
  Orde Eendracht Vreugde
OFC  old-fashioned C-string
OFF  Oriental Fruit Fly
OFK  Official Flight Kit
OFM  Open Fiets Map
OFT  Office of Fair Trading
OGD  Organization and Guidance Department
OGL  Onbetwiste Groene Leidster
OGM  O George Michael
OGS  Old Ground Surface
  Orbit Ground School
OGV  Onder Gebruikelijk Voorbehoud
OHA  Occupational Health Assistant
OHL  Oberste Heeresleitung
OHM  Ongelooflijke HOMO muziek
OIA  Of Iets Anders
  Ondoordachte Impulsieve Actie
OIC  Oh I See
OIE  World Organization for World Health
OIG  Ouranos Informatica Groep
OIH  Organisationally Induced Helplessness
OII  Oxford Internet Institute
OIL  Operational Intervention Levels
OIO  Onderzoeker In Opleiding
OIS  Oxygen Isotope Stage
OKZ  Ongelooflijke Kanker Zooi
OLA  Optisch Leesbare Acceptgiro
OLB  On Line Borrel
OLD  One-Line Diagram
  Operational Logic Diagram
  Optical Line Driver
  Oxford Latin Dictionary
OLE  Object Linking and Embedding
OLO  Ongeidentificeerd Lopend Object
OLP  Opleidingsplanner
  Orbital Launch Pad
OLS  OffLine Scheduler
  Ordinary Least Square
OLT  Optical Line Termination
OLZ  Orientaische LiteraturZeitung
OMA  Office for Metropolitan Architecture
OMD  Oh My Dawkins!
  Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
OMG  Object Management Group
  Oh My God
  Operation Market Garden
  orthomanuele geneeskunde
  outlaw motorcycle gang
OMI  Onderwijs Media Instituut
OMS  Order Management System
OMT  Outbreak Management Team
OMW  Officieel Mooi Weer
  On My Way
OMZ  Oh My Zsh
ONK  Ongelooflijk Niet Kut
ONL  ongehoord nederland
ONN  Onion News Network
ONR  Office for Nuclear Regulation
  Office of Naval Research
ONS  Office for National Statistics
  One Night Stand
  ONS Nederlands Softwarebedrijf
ONT  Optical Network Terminal
OOC  Out Of Character
OOD  Obsessive Oliebollen Disorder
OOK  Omituisten Otusten Kerho
  On-Off Keying
  Out Of Kilter
OOO  Out of Office
OOP  Object-Oriented Programming
OPC  Obsolete Procedure Call
  Optimal Power Calibration
  Ordinary Portland Cement
OPD  Outraging Public Decency
OPL  FM Operator Type-L
  Organiser Programming Language
OPR  Office of Primary Responsibility
OPT  Optimised Production Technology
  Optimized Production Technology
OQL  Object Query Language
ORB  Object Request Broker
  Operational Relay Box
ORM  Object Relational Mapping
  Object Role Modelling
ORP  Occupational Radiation Protection
ORS  Oral Rehydration Salts
ORV  Overlijdensrisicoverzekering
OSA  Official Secrets Act
OSB  Oriented Strand Board
OSC  Operational Support Centre
  Oxford Synthesizer Company
OSD  On Screen Display
OSF  Onafhankelijke Senaatsfractie
  Open Society Foundations
  Open Software Foundation
  Open Source Foundation
OSG  Open Services Gateway
  Openbare ScholenGemeenschap
OSI  Open Society Institute
OSL  Open Source Lab
  Optically Stimulated Luminescence
OSM  Ons Soort Mensen
  Open Street Map
  Original State Management
OSO  Onvoldoende Studeerbare Opleiding
OST  Original Sound Track
  Outer Space Treaty
OSV  Onset of significant void
  Operating Supply Voltage
OSZ  Onderwijs- en Studentenzaken
OTA  Over The Air
OTB  Open To Buy
OTC  Order To Cash
OTF  OpenType Font
OTG  On-The-Go
OTK  Overeen Te Komen
OTL  Ongelovelijke Tering Leier
  Operator Type Library
OTN  Official TLA Now
OTP  One True Pairing
  One-Time Pad
OTR  Off The Road
OTT  Old Tongham Tasty
  Onvoltooid Toekomende Tijd
  Orange Treasonous Traitor
  Over The Top
OTW  Off The Wall
OUD  Office of Undergraduate Development
  Office of Urban Development
OUG  Occam User Group
OUI  Organic User Interface
OUP  Oxford University Press
OUR  Oxygen Uptake Rate
OVE  L'Observatoire de la Vie Etudiante
  Observatorio Voto Electrónico
  OmgevingsVergunning Eindhoven
  Omnia Vagina Est
  Ondernemersvereniging Edam
  Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik
OVH  On Vous Héberge
  Online Virtual Hosting
OVS  Openbaar Vervoer Studentenkaart
OVT  Onvoltooid Verleden Tijd
OWA  Open World Assumption
  Oracle Web Agent
  Outlook Web Access
OWL  Object Windows Library
  Office Workstations Limited
  Older Women's League
  One World Language
  Online Watch Link
  Online Writing Lab
  Ordinary Wizarding Level
  Overwhelmingly Large Telescope
OWS  Olympische Winterspelen
OZB  Onroerende Zaken Belasting
  Overdekte Zwem- en Badinrichting