Since 1998, the Casia Corporation Holland have been working on The Definitive TLA Wörterbuch to help people find their way in the ever growing intellectual chaos caused by the late-twentieth century tendency to use as many acronyms in daily communication as possible. Especially acronyms with a length of three letters have been and continue to be immensly popular, not only in Information and Communication Technology circles, but also among people in more mundane fields of labour; a tendency that has mushroomed with the advent of mobile communication and the combined growing popularity of Short Message Services.
At present, there are 7645 TLAs in the database.
Of these, 4529 are distinct, out of 17576 possible (25.77%).
Please click on a bar in the diagram that is displayed below, or enter a search-string.
Search: |
X | ||
XAA | XFree86 Acceleration Architecture | |
XBA | Extra Bases Advanced | |
XCP | eXtended Content Protection | |
eXtended Copy Protection | ||
XDF | eXtreme Deep Field | |
XDR | eXternal Data Representation | |
XDS | Xerox Data System | |
XLR | Extra Long Run | |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language | |
XNA | XNA’s Not Acronymed | |
XOA | Xen Orchestra Appliance | |
XPM | eXplainable Predictive Maintenance | |
XRK | eXtreem Rete Kut | |
XRS | X-ray Spectrometer | |
XSD | XML Schema Definition | |
XML Schema Document | ||
XSL | eXtensible Stylesheet Language | |
XSS | Cross-site scripting | |
XTC | eXTaCy (3,4-Methylene-Dioxy-Methyl-Amphetamine ) | |
XTP | Express Transfer Protocol | |
XUL | XML User Interface Language | |
XWD | X Window Dump | |
XXL | Extra Extra Large | |
XXS | Extra Extra Small | |
XYZ | eXamine Your Zipper |